> Nigerian Celebs Gives 5 Simple Tips For A Happy Marriage | Hot Naija Gist

Sunday 17 November 2013

Nigerian Celebs Gives 5 Simple Tips For A Happy Marriage

A good marital relationship stays strong when every couple builds on some success pillars. What are they?

Buy gifts

Gifts are a reflection of who you are and what you think of your spouse. Though the most valuable presents don’t come from the store, you can still give gifts to reflect the care and appreciation you feel for your partner.

AY: I buy my wife expensive gifts and she does same too in her own capacity. The most expensive gift I’ve gotten from her was a pair of Christian Loubouton shoes. She got it for me last year as an anniversary gift.

AY, a comedian, is married to Mabel


Taking time to discuss issues is very important in a relationship. Keep the lines open and your relationship will experience a boost.

Yetunde: The most important thing is for the family to communicate because where that is non-existent, the relationship will collapse.

Tunde: Communication is the most important thing. My main problem with my wife is, she wants to remain taciturn and incommunicado sometimes. She does not want to talk about certain things.  I make sure she opens up because once you can communicate; there is nothing under the sun that cannot be resolved. Love conquers all because when you genuinely like each other, it is about tolerance, sacrificing, compromise, understanding, giving up something for the other person. Nobody is perfect

—Tunde Braimoh, a politician, is married to Yetunde

Shun arguments

As long as you live together under same roof, you are bound to experience disagreements. But when handled with care, respect and understanding, couples can resolve their differences in a positive way and learn more about one another. According to www.dummies.com, when not resolved properly, couples can quickly become isolated and driven apart.

Julius: For our marriage to wax stronger, we decided that we would not engage in all the stupid quarrels people engage in.

Ibiere: Before the situation gets to the stage of quarrelling, we speak out our feelings instead of bottling up issues.

Julius Agwu, a comedian, is married to Ibiere


It is the most important tool in keeping a marriage strong. Without patience, a relationship crumbles

Caroline: It takes a lot of patience and compromise. My mother and one of my aunts told me that if one survives the first five to seven years of marriage , there is a great tendency that both of you would stay together. I had the challenge of being submissive but we were able to overcome it because there was real love, trust, and friendship.

Dayo: I always tell her she is very stubborn but I have learnt to look at it this way— sometimes what you consider a weakness could also be strength. Just tweak things a bit and adjust it. I tell her, ‘when I say anything to you, listen and digest it before giving me a reply.’ She usually tries to answer immediately and I think that is just the lawyer in her. I tell her, ‘we are not in a courtroom.’

Dayo Adeneye, showbiz impresario, is married to Caroline

Good looks

Even if your significant other loves you the way you are, you can’t expect him/her to be happy and feeling attracted to you when you look awful. According to wikiHow, though your significant other will love you even if you are the least attractive person, he will be happy if he sees you are caring about yourself.

Holy Mallam: We had an agreement with God that we were going to have three children. Our first was a girl and then, we had a boy. When the boy came, we decided to play smart and stop. Then, my wife was working on her weight. In fact, I spent a lot of money on that and I always took her to Victoria Garden City, where the gym is and I spent over two hundred thousand naira and the results were amazing.

Ajibola Adebayo, alias Holy Mallam, is married to Ijeoma

Do you agree with the tips above? Are there any more you will like to share? Let us know in the Comments section below.

Source: Punch Nigeria