Showing posts with label happier relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happier relationship. Show all posts

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Dear Men; 5 Secrets To Understanding Women

There are some needs women have that are generally at the root of much of the confusion surrounding what they want. As a husband, recognizing these needs has helped me understand my wife better and has deepened our relationship immensely.

1. Empathy

When your wife comes to you with her problems, the typical guy response is to whip out the tools and get cracking on fixing everything up. This works sometimes, but most of the time it ends up backfiring. Why is that? Because in reality, she doesn’t want you to fix her problems. She just wants to have someone who can empathize with her.

The power of vulnerability and empathy can fuel a connection in your relationship that will never be found in the simple response of trying to make things better. While the latter is always easier, it’s really the former that helps us to understand.

2. Safety

To go along with empathy, women want to feel safe. When they come to you with their problems, they want to feel like it’s a safe place, where they aren’t judged or dismissed as crazy or overly worrisome. They want their feelings validated. If you can’t provide that safety, don’t be surprised if your wife turns to her mother or her girlfriends to discuss her problems.

This desire for safety may also explain the physical desires of women. For the most part, women tend to want to date and marry someone taller than they are, or someone who is muscular. Those things are merely a representation of their desire to be physically safe as well as emotionally.

3. Self-esteem

The fact is that it’s not just women who deal with issues of self-esteem. They simply express that need in a more outward fashion than men do. Because of that, this need must be answered in similar fashion. They need to feel loved. They need to feel that you have confidence in their importance. They don’t need to be made to feel stupid or insignificant.

We live in a world where women are objectified everywhere they go. The expectations for perfection are overwhelming. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in that culture. You chose your wife for several reasons. Remind her of those reasons often.

4. Don’t generalize

After all is said and done, it’s difficult to understand women because they tend to be subject to base generalizations. Whether it’s about their emotions or driving skills, some men tend to paint all women with one large brush. But that shouldn’t be the case.

5. Even with the aforementioned suggestions, each woman has different needs surrounding her. One way to approach empathy with one woman may not work with another. Each has her own personality, dreams and desires. So don’t get caught up in generalizing the needs of your wife. While she may sometimes “act like a woman,” always taking that approach can make it difficult for you to see her for who she really is.


There are a number of ways to tackle the age-old enigma of how women think. But in my personal history, I’ve found that most of them are wrong. Progress begins, first, when we stop trying to focus on trying to understand them and, instead, put our energy into just loving them in the way they need to be loved.

Source: familyshare.com

Friday 22 November 2013

You Won’t Believe What Timaya Says About Dating Actress, Empress Njamah

Multiple- award winning musician Timaya has disclosed that his relationship with controversial actress, Empress Njamah, had a negative effect on his life.

In 2009, the lovers broke up in a very bitter way. It was even reported during that time that Timaya was allegedly beaten to pulp at a church in Lagos, when he tried to let loose his anger on the actress.

Speaking in an interview with The Punch, the self-acclaimed Egberi Papa 1 of Bayelsa has said the following:

“You should not date somebody who already has a negative record. In my own case, it affected me at that time. I feel that a relationship should be between two people and not exposed to the rest of the world. Only a smart man is able to keep his relationship private.”

However, Empress has maintained that there can never be a reunion between her and Timaya stating categorically that the dude is her past.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Nigerian Celebs Gives 5 Simple Tips For A Happy Marriage

A good marital relationship stays strong when every couple builds on some success pillars. What are they?

Buy gifts

Gifts are a reflection of who you are and what you think of your spouse. Though the most valuable presents don’t come from the store, you can still give gifts to reflect the care and appreciation you feel for your partner.

AY: I buy my wife expensive gifts and she does same too in her own capacity. The most expensive gift I’ve gotten from her was a pair of Christian Loubouton shoes. She got it for me last year as an anniversary gift.

AY, a comedian, is married to Mabel


Taking time to discuss issues is very important in a relationship. Keep the lines open and your relationship will experience a boost.

Yetunde: The most important thing is for the family to communicate because where that is non-existent, the relationship will collapse.

Tunde: Communication is the most important thing. My main problem with my wife is, she wants to remain taciturn and incommunicado sometimes. She does not want to talk about certain things.  I make sure she opens up because once you can communicate; there is nothing under the sun that cannot be resolved. Love conquers all because when you genuinely like each other, it is about tolerance, sacrificing, compromise, understanding, giving up something for the other person. Nobody is perfect

—Tunde Braimoh, a politician, is married to Yetunde

Shun arguments

As long as you live together under same roof, you are bound to experience disagreements. But when handled with care, respect and understanding, couples can resolve their differences in a positive way and learn more about one another. According to www.dummies.com, when not resolved properly, couples can quickly become isolated and driven apart.

Julius: For our marriage to wax stronger, we decided that we would not engage in all the stupid quarrels people engage in.

Ibiere: Before the situation gets to the stage of quarrelling, we speak out our feelings instead of bottling up issues.

Julius Agwu, a comedian, is married to Ibiere


It is the most important tool in keeping a marriage strong. Without patience, a relationship crumbles

Caroline: It takes a lot of patience and compromise. My mother and one of my aunts told me that if one survives the first five to seven years of marriage , there is a great tendency that both of you would stay together. I had the challenge of being submissive but we were able to overcome it because there was real love, trust, and friendship.

Dayo: I always tell her she is very stubborn but I have learnt to look at it this way— sometimes what you consider a weakness could also be strength. Just tweak things a bit and adjust it. I tell her, ‘when I say anything to you, listen and digest it before giving me a reply.’ She usually tries to answer immediately and I think that is just the lawyer in her. I tell her, ‘we are not in a courtroom.’

Dayo Adeneye, showbiz impresario, is married to Caroline

Good looks

Even if your significant other loves you the way you are, you can’t expect him/her to be happy and feeling attracted to you when you look awful. According to wikiHow, though your significant other will love you even if you are the least attractive person, he will be happy if he sees you are caring about yourself.

Holy Mallam: We had an agreement with God that we were going to have three children. Our first was a girl and then, we had a boy. When the boy came, we decided to play smart and stop. Then, my wife was working on her weight. In fact, I spent a lot of money on that and I always took her to Victoria Garden City, where the gym is and I spent over two hundred thousand naira and the results were amazing.

Ajibola Adebayo, alias Holy Mallam, is married to Ijeoma

Do you agree with the tips above? Are there any more you will like to share? Let us know in the Comments section below.

Source: Punch Nigeria

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Photo: Juliet Ibrahim share Secret of her beauty & More About herself

Juliet Ibrahim is a Ghanaian actress of Lebanese and Liberian descent. Considered the "fresh face" of Ghollywood - nickname for Ghana's movie industry, Besides acting Juliet is a business-oriented person who proudly owns a beauty salon:Envoque Beauty Parlour,a boutique: House Of Glamour, a modeling agency:Dolfins Agency ,and a production house: Jewels Productions She also recently delved into music and would drop her debut album soon.

Her personal style? Trendy and casual. I am not really a follow the crowd kind of person, I always wear what suits me and suits the occasion. On an ordinary day I will be seen in jeans and tank tops.

What is the one thing you will never be caught wearing? Rubber boots

What determines your hair styles. Sometimes you go for red hair, sometimes blonde, sometimes natural?
My hair is one thing i love to always change. I have never kept the same look for a long period of time. it depends on my mood and my dress code for an event, hence i have so many wigs in my closet.

Your daily beauty routine and how you have managed to maintain your complexion?
I am mixed race so my complexion is natural. however, I can't do without my facial scrubs and natural body cream made of shea butter. I use a lot of carols-daughter products from the USA.

How she copes with your insultive fans on twitter/instagram: I take constructive criticism and learn but if the person is getting too offensive I simply block them. It comes with the fame so best to block the person.

Sunday 20 October 2013

For Ladies: How Longe Can You Put On An Engagement Ring?

Dear TodaysNigerians readers a lady ask this question "I have been wearing engagement ring for one year"
 what should i do?

Wednesday 16 October 2013

"You Are A Disgrace To Womanhood" - Lagos Deputy Governor Lambasts Iyanya’s Dancers - Photo

This is the best statement I have heard from a female politician in Nigeria. It was a beautiful performance from the sensational artiste, Iyanya and his dancers but the end really justified the means when the Lagos State Deputy Governor, Orelope Adefulire fired one of iyanya's female dancers.

Read their conversation held at the closing ceremony of the MTN Lagos Street Soccer at the Campos Mini Stadium in Lagos Island below.

Deputy Governor: I guess you are professional dancers?

Iyanya's Dancers: Yes ma!

Deputy Governor: If you must entertain without pants on, certainly not in a gathering like this. Just see how you are disgracing and degrading womanhood. Don’t try it again.
Iyanya's Dancers: Yes ma!

Yes! It's not just Iyanya's dancers alone that engage in this kind of immoral costumes they dance with. Even, the popular dance queen and others are not left behind!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Kenyan Police hunt ex-big Brother Africa representative Prezzo after gun battle with army officer

Kenyan rapper and ex-big Brother Africa representative, Jackson Makini aka CMB Prezzo might be in big trouble following a recent gun drama with a military man.

The incident which reportedly occurred on the morning of Saturday September 21, 2013 saw the rapper fighting over a parking space outside Aqua Blue Lounge, Nairobi.

According to a statement by Gigiri Division Police boss Vitalis Otieno, Prezzo allegedly obstructed the military colonel (identity withheld) ‘When the military officer came back ready to go, an argument broke out over the parking slot which degenerated to an assault using a gun. We want him to report at Parklands’

According to reports, Prezzo allegedly hit the Swiss army colonel in the head with gun butt and also tried shooting him but was restrained by his bodyguards who dragged him off to his car and drove off.

Once source says: ‘the officer was forced to cancel his flight to Ethopia and was rushed to MP Shah Hospital for immediate treatment’.

The rapper who only recently returned from the U.S defended himself on twitter, saying ‘I got into an altercation with a foreigner who racially abused me n attacked me last night being human, I rightfully defended myself’ He tweeted.

CMB Prezzo is one of the most renowned rappers in East Africa. He released his debut album ‘Naleta Action’ in 2004 which included hits like ‘Naleta Action’, ‘Lets Get Down’ ‘Mahangaiko’, ‘Leo ni Leo’, ‘Mimi na Wewe’, ‘Mafans’ among others.

Monday 2 September 2013

Relationship Corner! She Dumped Me For A Rich Guy; What Should I Do?

I started dating this lady 5 years ago. She is always complaining that I don’t take good care of her. She knows that I am hustling, but she is always saying that I don’t give her money. Later, she dumped me and I have been begging her to let us reconcile all to no avail. What should I do?

Thursday 22 August 2013

25 Ways A Man Shows He Is Still In Love With You

If you really want to know just how much your man loves you, stop letting words play the important part. Instead, watch his behavior and use these 25 signs he loves you to read his mind.
It’ll help you understand your man better and even make you see just how much he really loves you! So does your guy really love you, even if he doesn’t express his love through words? Find out here.

#1 He remembers what you say. A guy who’s in love with a girl always listens to her and remembers what she says, even if it’s something trivial because he takes her seriously.

#2 He’s chivalrous and treats you like a lady. A guy is chivalrous to a girl when he cares about what she thinks of his behavior. If your guy doesn’t care about you, he wouldn’t care what you think of his behavior.

#3 He takes care of your needs. If your man truly loves you, he’d always look for little ways to make your life better, be it about covering you with a blanket when you’re cold, charging your cell phone even when you don’t ask him, or serving you the better piece of chicken when you’re not looking.

#4 You’re always a part of his big plan in life. He speaks about his life and his dreams with you, and you always have a prominent place in all his future plans.

#5 He holds your hand instinctively when you’re in a crowd, or places his hand on your back while crossing the street. This is a reflex action that neither of you may realize. If a guy loves you, he’d definitely want to protect you and reassure you.

#6 He values your opinions a lot and doesn’t take any important decisions about his own life without hearing your opinions and having a discussion with you.

#7 He wraps his hands around you or stands closer to you when you’re talking to some other guys and having a good laugh. It’s his way of letting the world know that you’re the one he loves and every other guy should back away.

#8 He uses the word “we” instead of saying “I” or “Me” while talking and doesn’t even realize it.

#9 He’s very protective of you. If you’re taking a trip by yourself or even if you’re just driving out with friends, does he like receiving your call after you get to your destination? If your man can relax only after knowing that you’re safe, no matter where you are, he definitely has a special spot for you in his heart.

#10 He’s very interested in your life. If your man loves you, he’d always be eager to know everything about your day, including the little details.

#11 The helping hand. He’s always ready to offer a helping hand every time you ask him *even if he’s busy and he does it while whining and grumbling at the same time*.

#12 After the fight. He makes up after a fight just as much as you make up with him. And at times, he even swallows his pride and apologizes first even if it’s not his fault in any manner.

#13 He keeps you updated. He keeps you informed about his life and what he’s up to even though he knows he has no obligation to do so.

#14 He respects you and treats you with a lot of respect. He doesn’t stare at other girls when you’re around, neither does he cut you in the middle of a conversation.

#15 You’re the last person he speaks to or texts at night. If he loves you, you’d be the first and last thing on his mind every time he wakes up or goes to sleep.

#16 He sacrifices his happiness to see you happy. It could be something as small as choosing a restaurant for dinner or giving you the fluffier pillow or something way bigger that can impact his life.

#17 He makes a lot of effort to be liked by your friends and family. He cares about what your friends and family think of him and he also understands that their impression of him will affect your relationship with your friends and family.

#18 He can’t stay mad at you for any reason for more than a couple of hours. People in love can’t stay mad at each other for long, it hurts both lovers too much. So if he takes the effort to apologize or accept your apology, he really does care about you and your feelings.

#19 He talks a lot. If a guy loves you, you’d find that he opens up really easily to you and talks a lot about everything, be it his life, his plans, his work or even about how annoying his friends really are.

#20 He loves spending time with you. He goes out of his way to be with you. And if he has to cancel a date for any genuine reason, he’d do everything it takes to make it up to you on the next date.

#21 He stands up for you, no matter what you’ve done and no matter where he is. A man who truly loves his woman will stand by her side even if she’s on the wrong. He may criticize you in private, but never ever in public.

#22 Making a choice. If he has to choose between you and anything else in the world, he’d choose you in a flash without even thinking, because he doesn’t need to weigh any options there.

#23 He never forgets your special days, be it your birthday or anniversaries or a big day at work. And he goes out of his way to help you prepare for any big days or events in your life.

#24 He doesn’t get annoyed with you even if he’s busy and you tease him or fool around with him.

#25 At a social gathering, he never gives any girl more attention than he gives you, even if he meets a celebrity.

Don’t jump to conclusions about your man’s love for you. After all, most men aren’t the biggest romantics. But they do have really big hearts that’s full of love for you and you alone.

Thursday 15 August 2013

PHOTO: Praiz Buys A New Car For His Mum

Soul/R&B singer Praiz recently bought his mum a new car – a Toyota Sedan.
the young singer took time out of a busy schedule to personally deliver the car himself.
He had flown with his younger brother, from Lagos to Kaduna to pay a visit to his family, the Adejos, where he surprised her with the car.
After which he posted on his Instagram page:
Thank u lord cos she shall continue to reap the fruits of her labour… It shall never be in vain!!‘,
Praiz hasn’t even bought a car for himself yet.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

8 Things Women Desperately Want From Men

Someone once said 'To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse'.
Well, what women want still remains the unanswered question across the globe. However, men needn't lose hope for all is not lost. There are still a good number of things that most women like. Here are a few from the long list which can perhaps help you make her fall head over heels in love with you. Take your pick to woo and sweep her off her feet!
Superman: Women love to be protected. So show in more ways than one to prove that you will be her saviour should your damsel land in distress! Women are always in awe of men who can step up in times of conflicts. Be sure you grab every opportunity that situation throws at you.
Smell good: Deodorant Ads may be going overboard showing men being lured by women's perfume. But the other way is also true. Choose a deo that suits you. Especially if it's your first date, it's best not to try anything experimental. Know what smells best on you. Remember, what smelt heavenly on your friend might stink on your skin! For everything depends on your body odour. When you spray perfume on your body, what you smell is a combination of the deo spray and your body odour. Choose wise.
Surprises galore: Women love surprises be it chocolates, love notes, gifts or even a bouquet of flowers. Women don't mind them in any numbers. You are sure to score brownie points with this one!
Transparency: Honesty is still the best policy. Never lie to her if you are thinking of a long-term relationship. Never mind you will face some initial flak, but eventually you will win over her trust.
Perfect body: What with the celebrities being obsessed with getting a six pack or eight pack abs, girls too go ga ga over men with a well-toned body. Get into the habit of regular workout so you can make heads turn!
Dress well: Nothing turns off a women than a poorly-dressed man. Do a style-check, spot the trends in fashion, speak to a stylist to find out what looks best on you. Clothes maketh man literally!
Crowning glory: Nothing like a funky haircut! A good hairstyle can give you a different look altogether. What are you waiting for? Get that stunner look so you can impress that chick you have been eyeing.
Magic of your hands: You might have taken your girlfriend to the hottest restaurants in town, yet she will not mind if you can cook one of her favourite dishes (or even plain instant noodles) when she's hungry. Such moments are never forgotten.
There's a joke doing the rounds that 'A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's That's because she changes it more often'. However, there are some things that remain constant.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Forbes' List Of Hollywood's Highest Paid Actors of 2013

Forbes, a few days ago, released their annual 'Highest Paid Hollywood Actors' list and Iron Man actor Robert Downey topped the list. See what the top 10 actors earned between June 2012 & June 2013..

1. Robert Downey Jr - $75million (Iron Man)
2. Channing Tatun - $60million (Magic Mike, White House Down)
3. Hugh Jackman - $55million (Les Miserables, X-Men)
4. Mark Wahlberg - $52 million (Ted)
5.  Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson - $42million (Fast & Furious)
6. Leonardo DiCaprio - $39million (Great Gatsby)
7. Adam Sandler - $37million (Hotel Transylvania)
8. Tom Cruise - $35million (Jack Reacher)
9. Denzel Washington - $33 (Flight)
10. Liam Neeson - $32million (Taken 2, The Grey)

Saturday 20 July 2013

I wasn’t used and dumped by Iyanya – Yvonne Nelson

Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson, heartbreak is a painful experience best avoided. Not exactly in the mood to relive her sensational breakup with popular Afro-hip hop act, Iyanya, she ended up doing so just to set the records straight. The  actress was in the country to premiere her latest movie, “House of Gold” at the Silverbird Cinema, Lagos, yesterday, and opened up on sundry issues. Now bears Nigerian name, Damilola

How are you enjoying your stay in Nigeria?

Did I tell you I’m half-Nigerian and half-Ghanaian? I was given a Nigerian name recently which makes me half-Nigerian. My Nigerian name is Damilola. It has been wonderful, I always say Nigeria is like a home for me. When I’m here, I do not feel like going back home again. But it’s just that everything seems to be faster here.

You are in the country to premiere your latest movie. What’s the movie all about?

The movie is titled, ‘House of Gold.’ It is a family-oriented comedy, and I want people to come and see two  of Africa’s  music stars  Ice Prince and Omawumi make their debut in a movie. I produced the movie  in partnership with  Media Ghana.

“House of Gold” tells the story of Dan Ansah Williams, a high-flying entrepreneur, business mogul, polygamist and socialite who is battling with cancer and has six  weeks to live. With the help of his long-time associate and legal representative, he embarks on a mission to recall all his children, most of whom were born out of wedlock, back home.

Dan’s last wish is to have all his children under one roof for seven  days so they will get to know one another and bond due to the fact that they share the same blood line. However, that reunion proves a little more than everyone bargained for as each child indeed returns with an agenda, and this sets the stage for the most hilarious and bizarre seven days of their lives. I’m urging people to come  and see the movie  because  they are going to laugh and have a nice time.

How did you get Ice Prince and Omawumi to star in the  movie?

It was very challenging given the fact that they are busy people, always performing at shows. I have my own way of doing things. I spoke to them and they gave me their time and schedules, so I worked with it. We spent about 15 days on set.

Your first movie, ‘Single and Married’ was also directed by Paschal Amanfo, what do you have with him?
Paschal is one of the best directors in Ghana.  He is a very straightforward director and it’s very easy working with him. You would like to work with somebody who helps make things go  smoothly while on set.

What’s your experience like working with Ice Prince and Omawumi on set?

They were amazing on set. Ice Prince was the one who really shocked me because he had a show a night before joining us on set. He did not even sleep, as he took the next flight to Ghana and the moment he stormed the set, he started reading his script and mastering his lines. Omawumi was so good that I was tempted to ask her why she’s not into acting in Nigeria. I also had the funniest Nigerian actor,Francis Odega, on set.

Why did you decide to star the duo in your film?

It’s my own marketing strategy as a producer. I believe they have their own fan base  and audiences. I wanted to spice up things. When you watch my movie, my cast are usually very interesting. People  are sick and tried of seeing the same Nollywood and Ghollywood faces in our movies. I could have used notable Nollywood actors, but I just wanted to spice up things because I don’t think people are expecting what they are definitely  going to see in the movie.

Controversies have  been trailing your acting career in recent times; from your break-up with Iyanya to accusations that you bleached your body and more recently, an article  posted online where you lamented that Iyanya used and dumped you. Why all these controversies?

Did anybody hear me say that? Nobody used and dumped me. As journalists, you should  know that your colleagues are fond of using sensational headlines to drag traffic to their blogs and websites. At the end of the day, I did not say somebody used and dumped me. I don’t remember  saying anything like that.

But what actually happened between you and Iyanya?
I guess it is out there. I granted two interviews on this whole thing; Bella Naija and Toolz(The Juice). I don’t want to repeat myself. My interviewers took what they wanted to take away from the interviews I granted them. I don’t have any control over what they decide to publish or put out there.

You have moved on after the break -up?
It happened last year. The reason I granted those interviews was to let my fans know the truth about what transpired between Iyanya and myself. Sometimes, one’s fans desire to know what’s happening to their idol.

How do you address the allegations of lightening your skin?
Do I look like someone who is bleaching? One thing people should understand is that we use a lot of photo tricks.If you watch our movies, for instance, I look a little bit dark but if you see my pictures, I look fair in complexion. Commonsense should tell anyone that the pictures are treated. What happened is that I posted my new picture online and people started alleging that I was bleaching my skin. That’s how the whole thing  started. My mum is fairer than me,  and my siblings are all fair in complexion.  I don’t bleach and I don’t intend lightening my skin.
Do you feel hurt each time you read negative stories about yourself?
I don’t. I don’t even know why they say all the things they say about me. To some people, if you tell them you can fly, they would believe in you.  Whatever they read in the dailies, they believe in. It’s good for them. So, I can’t go into everybody’s home to tell them, “Look at me, I haven’t bleached before.” I’m happy with myself.

Are you in any relationship at the moment?
Not that fast. I’m now a “sacred virgín,” meaning  you are not a virgín but after a long time, you become a sacred virgín. There are some special people in my life that I hang out with once in a while. But I’m not in any relationship at the moment. I just want to take my time. It’s not as if  I’m looking for guys. I believe that when it is the right time, they will come looking for me.

But are you not thinking of settling down?
It’s something that I’m thinking about,  but I just want to take my time. More so, I’m still young. However, if it comes my way, why not? But definitely, not with somebody in the entertainment industry.

Meaning that you wouldn’t want to date an entertainer again?
Not at all.

Is it because of  your experience with Iyanya?
I guess everybody knows that. It was quite a shocking experience.

Even after your break-up with Iyanya, there were some tweets meant to be an apology to you from one of your contenders, Tonto Dikeh. How did you receive the tweets?

Like I said in my interview with Bella Naija, I hate a situation where you bring a third person into any relationship that I’m involved in. I don’t want to mention names. There are certain things I wouldn’t want to talk about here. I know that those tweets were actually meant for me. There is no problem. I hope she’s  happy now because she did  whatever  she had  to do. She advised  me to move on, and I wish her good luck.
After reading your interview in Bella Naija, we sought Iyanya’s reaction and he told us you were free to say whatever you wanted to say. Has it got to that extent?

Fine! You guys should go back and read the interview again. We are in a business where  everybody is trying to protect his or her fan base. Most of his fans are women while my fans are basically men. So, I would do anything to protect my male fans   just as he was trying to protect his female fans. He can’t run away from  the truth.  I decided to open up because I didn’t want to disappoint my male fans. I was ready to talk about it. And nobody could stop me from doing so.

Given this situation, would you turn down any offer to be on the same set with Tonto Dikeh?
I don’t have any problem with anybody. As a professional, if I get a phone call from a producer and the script is something I like as well as the person directing the film, why not? I will.  I’m not fighting with anyone, even though we are not friends. But all the same, whatever tweets she posted   were meant for me. It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with that. We all have our lives to live and were brought up in different backgrounds. I don’t have to respond to anything.

At this point, would you say you were heartbroken?
I once was.

What’s the healing process like?
Just like any other person. I guess everybody goes through heartbreak. It’s a natural thing and as time goes on, you get over it. I can’t sit down at home and cry all day long. I’m occupied with a lot of things; I have movies to shoot, I’m travelling and handling other projects.

How would you describe Iyanya?
Great guy with great talent. He’s like the best singer I’ve ever known and he gives me good reason to think so.

Before the breakup, were you envisaging a situation where the relationship would lead to marriage?
I don’t know.

But you gave the relationship your best shot?
I’m sure if you are in a relationship, everybody gives his or her  best to it.   We all gave our best.

What was the real problem?
The real problem was what I spoke about in the two interviews I granted to Bella Naija and Toolz.

What is it that people don’t know about you?
Back in Ghana, you hardly see me hanging out with any guy. This is because I’m  always indoors even when I’m not shooting a film or travelling out of the country. But here, in Nigeria, the reason people get so many stories to tell about me is that each time I’m in the country  and they see me in the company of some of my colleagues, they will start drawing conclusions that we are dating. That has been my problem in Nigeria.
I cannot control what people say about me because I don’t live here. Sometimes, I need these guys to take me around. In Ghana, I drive myself around and do my things in my own way and nobody says anything about me. It looks as if I can’t have friends any more.

If anybody they see me with is going to be an issue, then there is already an issue. Am I the only person that hangs out with friends?  All these things doesn’t disturb me either because I’m a free spirit. I think people should stop linking me with guys. I’m not hiding anything. If I have a boyfriend I should be proud enough to talk about him.

Open Letter From A Lasu Student To Dbanj - READ ThIS

An Exclusive letter from a Fan to DBanj:

Dear Oyebanjo, Dapo Daniel AKA DBanj,I am seated at a local restaurant here at the Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria, drinking a bottle of Fayrouz and listening to the sound of the generator, which is the only source of electricity around here.I have watched your latest music video.

I went through the rigour lasvdt night. It is the video of the song entitled “Don’t Tell Me Nonsense” and it was awfully disgusting, the song, I mean. Kaffy and the rest of the dancers didn’t disappoint in the video.

This is bad, I know, using awful and disgusting, in same sentence. But that is what I feel about what I saw. Brother, DBanj, a lot has changed since you left your brother and hustle partner, Ajereh, Michael Collins AKA Don Jazzy. Truth. Your songs have been nothing but trash.

I wonder if anyone has said anything nice to you since you started making songs outside Don Jazzy. If they have, it must have been for that singular hit song entitled ‘Oliver Twist.’ Kai! That song swept through Nigeria and the rest of the world. You would not believe that the ordinary child on the streets of Nsukka knows the lyrics of that song and the dance steps too.

In Nigeria, there are plenty factors that weigh us down. One is our inability to manage our weaknesses. I see you have been buying yourself expensive jewelleries. The other day, I saw on a blog that you wear a wristwatch worth my entire family and maybe inheritance. I commend your taste. You are a lucky and hardworking man.You deserve it, besides; ‘Oliver Twist’ made marks. It took the Nigerian music to a height that had never been seen in recent times.

Its toping charts, downloads, Youtube views and itunes purchases are amongst the few things I can mention.

Dear, DBanj, Don Jazzy may not be an ideal partner, I bet you, no one is an ideal partner! Perfect couples quarrel and make up. It is the joy of having such union. I believe misunderstanding is part of us, as humans. I will run to the zoo the day I see a union that agrees on almost everything.Back to your music, I feel Don Jazzy was made to make good music with you. He may not only be your producer, but whatever input, from advice, to production, will go a long way. Besides, he has been miserable too, without you. I have seen his eyes in music videos. There is one he did with Tiwa Savage. Ah, Tiwa. She looked dazzling, while Don Jazzy looked wanting and dispirited. Tiwa may have a perfect voice but Don Jazzy has not been able to achieve what he did with you. The other boys, K-Switch, Wande Coal and the goody bag crooner, D’Prince are unfortunate learners.

They must be stark illiterates to have taken sides when you guys parted. I understand their ignorance. But my concern here is, if you wish to stay relevant in the sight of Nigerians, making good music, and not caressing a stripper on stage on your birthday, then you have to make amends with Don Jazzy and understand that people argue because they are beneficial to themselves. Only dummies agree on everything.

I think tribalism had a lot to play in your split. It is a sad reality, if I am right. Tribalism will eventually destroy Nigeria. Our young people think they belong to a superior tribe and so make silly comments which sometimes bring about misconception and then crisis. I once had a boss, who is Igbo, who felt my tribe’s men were lazy, just because she came to my state and saw a job and was privileged to be a high ranking staff. I have had people who think those from the north should be gatekeepers and cobblers. Someone called me a militant once in Abuja, at the Sheraton, when he discovered I was from the Niger-Delta. I forgave his gross stupidity. I think we should drink a cup of water when ignorant people say rubbish about our personalities or flaws and relate it to tribe.

You are a great young man, DBanj. Few people have attained the height you have. I am encouraged to pursue what I am currently pursuing because I know I will triumph. Your likes and that of 2Face Idibia, despite your weaknesses are heroes. And you must recall that Kanye West met you because he had heard good stuff from you. When nothing good manifests, he may be forced to give you a new job description at Good Music, which may be mopping of the floor of the studio. This evil will not befall you. If you believe it, type amen.

DBanj, pride is the worst enemy of any man who wishes to last longer anywhere. A drop of arrogance may work, but pride is detrimental. You were called the ‘entertainer’ because you offered entertainment. Today, Inyanya, Kcee, Flavour, Wizkid and Davido are doing better. Imagine Burna-Boy, chai, that boy has some senses oh. His music, even when he is talking nonsense makes you want to sit and listen or dance to it, as the case may be. The only person that is yet to outshine you is my dearest sister, Tontolet Dike. That girl needs Jesus.

I have to go back to my drink. I paid for it and it is almost missing me. I enjoy your struggle or hustle, as you may choose to call it. I wish to hear something profound from you. While awaiting that miracle that only you can perform, I wish you the very best of life. -

Thursday 18 July 2013

Who rocked the outfit best?

Who Will You Pick Among These Outfits?


Sunday 16 June 2013

13 signs you are NOT really serious about him

Let’s face it: everybody wants to fall head over heels for somebody. Even the self-proclaimed lifetime players would give up that lifestyle for someone who swept them off their feet because you can’t choose when you fall in love. And just like you can’t decide not to feel in love if you are, you can’t decide to feel in love, if you’re not. But, since the concept seems so good on paper, sometimes we (yes, mostly women) will tell ourselves, “This is love” when really he’s just not the one. Here are signs you’re not that serious about him, hard as you may try to be.
A sweater he wears, 5 pounds he needs to lose, the way he sings in the car—these things make you want to crawl out of your own skin. When you really love someone, those things are cute, or at the very least tolerable. But if there’s no real connection there, the little flaws stick out like a sore thumb.
Um…hello in there, do you have a pulse??? Two days of zero contact from the man you’re allegedly in love with, and you’re chillin’? Sure, feeling crazed when a guy doesn’t call is not pleasant. But it’s also a symptom of loving someone. You should be upset.
When you’re really in love, you don’t care what everyone else is doing. Your friends and their boyfriends eat at restaurants more, or already met the parents? Great for them. Those differences in your relationship don’t feel like a problem. When you’re sure about things, you don’t see small indescrepencies as problems. But, when you have a hunch you’re not meant to be with a guy, you want the details from all your friends about their relationships. You’re looking for evidence that things are off with you and your man.
When getting dressed to go out, you still dress with men in mind. You’re daydreaming about the guy who will be eyeing you in that little black dress from across the bar. Basically, you get ready like a single girl does! That doesn’t say much for your level of commitment to your man.
When you’re upset about something, crying to your man seems like the obvious thing to do. But instead, you immediately think to call your friend, or your mother, but never your guy. If you really wanted to be close, he’d be your go-to for when you need a sympathetic ear.
Just picture it: you two gazing into each other’s eyes, everyone you know sitting and watching, celebrating your union. How does this make you feel? If you feel uncertain, that’s okay. But you shouldn’t cringe at the thought. That reaction will never change.
There are things that clearly wont work out in the long run, but you’re still seeing the guy. He’s of a different religion from you, even though you only want to marry a man of the same religion, he is a hardcore partier, even though that’s not something you want in your life. You’re only still with him because you’re avoiding the question: what next?
Even in great, loving relationships, there will be times when neither of you are that into it—nights when it feels mechanical and forced. That’s fine, it happens. But it should bother you. You should want, badly, to build up some passion for the next time. But if you’re complacent about your, well, complacent séx, you’re probably not to into anything else he has to offer either.
You verbally put your man down, even in front of others. That’s often your subconscious’s way of working out your anger over being with the wrong person. You’re too weak or scared to leave the person and be alone, but you’re not happy with him, and that tension has to be released somehow. It’s released through you lashing out at your man.
You’ll see what your friends are up to for the weekend, then your family, then you’ll check if there’s anything you’d enjoy doing alone and then you’ll see what your guy is up to. Essentially, he’s a time-filler. He’s the next best thing. But he’s not someone you just can’t be without.
Deep down you know you won’t be around forever, and they’re expecting you to be a daughter-in-law  and the mother of their grandchildren someday. When the expectations of not just your man but also other people come into play, it’s hard to suppress the guilt.
Your guy asks if he can just come over and hang out on a day you were planning on doing nothing. Instead of thinking how nice it will be to have him around, you think of how annoying it will be to have to entertain someone, what a hassle it will be to have to find lunch for you both, and that he’s getting in the way of your lazy day.
Basically, you opened this article! That’s not a great sign. When you know you’re serious about someone, you know. Dig deep into your memory. Surely you’ve experienced that undeniable attraction between you and another person before. That is what you should be feeling.
source:  http//madamenoire.com

Wednesday 10 April 2013

A must Read for the Ladies only : Does That Guy Really Like You? Find Out How To Know For Sure

Are you one of those women who has a guy she’s close to and spends a lot of time with but you don’t know if he has feelings for you or if he’s just being friendly? Here are a few ways to know if that guy wants to be more than a friend:

1. He Calls for no Reason

If a guy really likes you, he’ll call you often, just to say hi and see how your day is going. He’ll find every avenue he can to communicate with you whether it’s convenient for him or not.

2. He Wants to Be Around You

If he a guy likes you, he’ll make an effort to see you regularly. When a guy genuinely likes you, he wants to spend time with you, regardless of what you do together. A guy who doesn’t enjoy your company is definitely not into you.

3. He Makes Time for you in his Life

Even in our overly scheduled modern-day lives, if a guy’s into you, he makes time for you. So if he calls to say he’s going away for a few days but would like to see you before he goes, wants to talk while he’s away, or is intent on making plans once he returns, all signs point to the fact that he’s honestly into you.

4. His Friends know about You

If that guy truly wants to be with you, he’ll introduce you to the boys. A man’s friends are his support group, his mini family outside his biological family. If a guy tells his friends about you and introduces you to them and makes you a part of his inner circle, then he truly has feelings for you.

5. He Listens

Another sign to look out for is how well he listens and responds to you.  A man who cares about you will want to know what you have to say and how you feel about certain things. When a guy’s really into you, he not only makes you a part of the conversation, but he also asks for your input, listens intently, and responds appropriately.

The most important way to know if a guy likes you is to watch out for his signals. Men, unlike women, are not very good with words but a guy who likes you will show it to you in any way he can. Open your eyes and pay attention so you don’t miss out on true love.

Thursday 19 January 2012

12 Easy Tips for a Happier Relationship

What's your New Year's resolution for 2012? To exercise more? To be more productive? We bet "a more honest and open relationship" isn't on many of your lists. That's because tons of people put their relationships on autopilot, hoping the kinks will just work themselves out - and then they argue each and every day, and end up resenting each other. The best way to have a happy relationship is to keep working on it, so even if you're not currently in a relationship rut, follow these 12 tips from our staff and you'll keep being happy.

1. Say "please" and "thank you." This shows your partner you appreciate them and keeps you from taking each other for granted.

2. Grab your partner's butt every day (or at least every other day).

3. Kiss every morning!

4. Say "good morning" every morning.

5. Cuddle.

6. Spend at least one night a week with your significant other and family/friends, i.e. don't hole up all by yourselves.

7. Use baby talk/pet names very sparingly. If you overuse these, you could damage your relationship since you won't be able to relate to each other seriously.

8. DO THE DISHES. Set up some type of system for who does them when.

9. Practice listening.

10. Practice honesty, even when it's uncomfortable.

11. If you and your partner are indecisive about where to eat or what movie to watch, play the "5-3-1" game. One person names five choices, the other vetoes two of them, and then the first person eliminates the remaining two. Ta-da, no more "Where you do want to eat?" "I don't care, what do you want to do?"

12. If you live together, make sure you each still have your own private space where you can retreat to work, think, or partake in bizarre grooming rituals that the other person wouldn't want to see.

What are your "happy couple" tips?