> Christian Students Denied Admission Into College Program In The USA Because They Said They Were Christians | Hot Naija Gist

Monday 20 July 2015

Christian Students Denied Admission Into College Program In The USA Because They Said They Were Christians

Universities are engaging in anti-Christian discrimination at an alarming rate. One state college rejected a Christian student, saying the medical “field is not the place for religion.”

In another of our cases, a college student was denied admission because he “brought up religion.”

One university student was expelled for her faith, another was told to defile the name of Jesus, and another was failed for refusing to agree that Christianity is false.

Below are some few experience by students;
Jenkins says he was asked in his interview what was the most important thing in his life. He replied, “My God.” 
Radiation Therapy Program Director Dr. Dougherty reportedly told Jenkins: “I understand that religion is a major part of your life ... however, this field is not the place for religion. ... If you interview in the future, you may want to leave your thoughts and beliefs out of the interview process." 
“Audrey Jarvis, a student at Sonoma State University in California, was asked by a university administrator to remove her cross necklace during orientation because it could potentially offend others. In Florida, at Polk State College, a professor gave a student zeros on several assignments because the student refused to agree with the professor's anti-Christian bias.”


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