> What to do if he doesn't even notice you | Hot Naija Gist

Tuesday 15 May 2012

What to do if he doesn't even notice you

Sometimes it takes more than a hot body and new outfit to get a man to notice you. If he’s none the wiser to your affections, try one of these head-turning techniques.

1. Dream team
If he's a sports fan a bit of research into his favourite team will not go unnoticed. The next time he watches them play, keep an eye out for reports and news stories about the game. That way, you’ll not only have conversation starters when you meet up, but he’ll begin to think you’re the perfect match too.

2. Tough love

Show you care by encouraging the object of your affections to do what’s good for him. By serving as his conscience you will demonstrate you have his interests at heart. So, make sure he phones his mum when he said he would, keep him supplied with fruit and vegetables and badger him to apply for that promotion. Get this right and he’ll realise how much you’re worth.

3. Opposites attract
It’s a myth that men want someone to share their views. In fact the opposite is often true. Suitors with the cheek to contradict them are much more likely to pique their interest. So, find out what his opinions are and brush up on the counter-arguments. Start a debate and sparks will fly!

4. Hands on approach

There’s nothing like a bit of physical intimacy to make a man think thoughts of amore. So – with this in mind – take some evening classes in massage techniques. Then when he comes back from five-a-side with a limp, offer to lay on your healing hands. It’s only because you’re an expert, of course!

5. Tickle his funny bone
Try winning your beloved over by learning some jokes. Or, better still, practice doing impressions. If you can mimic soap stars, TV presenters or singers, he’ll want to show you off to his mates in no time. One word of advice though: impersonations of him or his family are best avoided!

6. Mastermind
For most men, intelligence is always attractive. Find out where there’s a pub quiz, then swot up on trivia before suggesting you pop along. When the night comes, simply blow him away with your knowledge. Come out on top and he’ll have no doubt you make a great team.

7. Going the distance
Running a marathon for charity could be perfect way to steal someone’s heart. Such a feat of selflessness, dedication and endurance can’t fail to impress. Plus taking on the long-distance challenge comes with added bonuses. You get the body you’ve always dreamed of and you can show it off in Lycra!

8. Cold shoulder

Is the man you want to impress a bit of a stud? Is he used to getting a lot of attention? If so, rather than competing with all the others, try doing the opposite. Act like you couldn’t care less what he thinks. Give more attention to his friends than to him. Pretty soon you’ll be on his radar as the one person immune to his charms. Your seeming indifference will make you a catch and he’ll go out of his way to talk you round.

9. Food of love
They say the way to a man’s heart is through is stomach and they’re dead right. Deep down many blokes are just looking for a sweetheart who can keep them well fed and watered. Serve him up some tasty grub and you won’t just tickle his taste buds, you’ll make him think you’re a keeper.


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