
Saturday 18 May 2013

Relationship Tips: How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Find Your Soulmate

The law of attraction is the belief that “like attracts like” and that by focusing on positive thoughts, we can bring about positive results. By understanding and following this simple rule, you will be empowered to attract a lifelong partner. There is nothing you cannot be, do or have when you know how to activate and use this unlimited power that lies within you. Here are 10 ways to use the law of attraction to find and keep your soulmate.
1. Be positively clear about what you want in a mate. Each “failed” relationship has given you clues about what you want in your ideal partner. The problem is many women and men focus on the negative instead of the positve. For example, by saying that you don’t want a man who “puts his work before the relationship” you are focusing on a man who puts work before love and that is the desire you are unconsciously sending out through your energy.
The good news is, if you know what you don’t want, you know what you do want. Your power to create lies in your ability to choose thoughts that are positively clear, so that you can tell the universe exactly what you desire. (“I want a man who puts me first and loves me unconditionally.”) You can tell if your affirmation is positive or negative by the way it makes you feel. If it makes you feel great, it is positive. If it makes you feel bad, it is negative. It’s that simple! If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, simply turn them around and start focusing on the positive. You will immediately feel better and you will be in alignment with love.
2. Continue to dream it. If you are ready for love, one of the best things you can do is get lost in day dreaming about your perfect mate. As you imagine your ideal partner, the universe receives these images as indicators of what to create in your life. In your imagination, you can create and improve on your desired relationship it until it meets your highest ideal. Once you have that ideal image in your mind, replay it over and over until one day soon you will find yourself actually living it. The power of your imagination is unstoppable and can transform your love life
3. Fall in love with yourself. You can’t expect someone else to fall in love with you if you are not in love with yourself. When we judge or criticize ourselves, we send out an energy that repels others. Self-criticism is a negative energy that will repel potential mates. On the other hand, self-love is attractive and attracts potential mates. Make a list of ten characteristics you love about yourself and put this list where you can see it every day. It doesn’t really matter what is on the list as long as it easily generates good feelings that you have toward yourself. The more you focus on what you love about yourself, the more self-love you will experience. Others will fall in love with you too, simply because it feels great to be around people who love themselves.
4. Say “no” to jealousy. It’s natural to feel jealous when we see someone experiencing something we desire and don’t have, but jealousy will actually keep love from coming to you. Jealousy is a negative emotion and will repel what you desire. Instead of feeling jealous, understand if you are seeing someone else living your dream, your dream is getting closer. So instead of being jealous, celebrate the love you see and bless all the loving relationships you witness. In this way, you are telling the universe to bring you some of that! (And it will!)
5. Don’t give up. The number one reason the law of attraction doesn’t appear to work is that people give up before their wish is granted. It’s like ordering a delicious meal and walking out the diner before your order arrives. The order is on its way, but if you are no longer in alignment with it, you will miss out. When it comes to love, people get disappointed when their dates don’t meet their expectations and they don’t see evidence that true love is coming. Out of disappointment or fear of being disappointed, they give up — never knowing what they missed. The key to the law of attraction is that once you are clear you desire something specific, you must commit to it for as long as it takes to manifest in your life.
6. Don’t give in to doubt. We live in an obliging universe where it is possible to experience all our dreams and desires. One of the biggest obstacles in manifesting what we desire is doubt. We want something, but we doubt that it’s possible. It is actually the doubt that keeps it from coming. Knowing is a positve energy and opens the door for attraction. Doubt is a negative energy and closes that same door. When you are in alignment with attracting your perfect mate, there is a sense of knowing he/she is on their way.
7. Enjoy yourself now. Don’t wait for love to find you in order to start living. You will attract what you are: if you are a couch potato, you will attract a coach potato. If you desire a mate who is active, goes skiing and likes to read, you better start jogging, getting on the slopes and hanging out in Barnes & Noble. Don’t wait for him/her to arrive in order to live your best life. Start living your best life right now and you will become super attractive so that special person will be able to spot you in a crowd — because you shine.
8. Become the future you. There is a current “single you” and a future partnered or married you. One of the best ways to use the law of attraction to attract your perfect guy or girl is to become the person who is already in the relationship. This is how it works: think of yourself now and think of yourself in your perfect relationship. How are you different? Who do you become once you are in the relationship? Maybe your answer is, “I become relaxed, confident, loving and kind.” Your answer is your clue to who you must become now.
Don’t wait for the relationship to manifest, you must first become the person who already has these qualities. This includes preparing your space for the partner of your dreams: Clean out your closet, empty a draw or replace that worn-out wallpaper. Think of all the ways in which you can prepare yourself and your life to be in perfect alignment with your perfect mate.
9. Get your beliefs in order. Examine your beliefs about love and clean up any beliefs that don’t support attracting, having and keeping your perfect relationship (“I’m not attractive enough” … “I don’t make enough money” … “All the good ones are taken”). The universe has a way of making your beliefs true, so if a belief doesn’t support what you really want, it is time to drop it and develop beliefs that do. The universe responds to your feelings about yourself; if you are feeling unworthy or undeserving, the universe reflects this back.
10. Don’t question how it will happen. Your job is to clearly and positively define what you most desire and to get in alignment with your desire through all the ways described above. Your job is not the how. Don’t get caught up on how it’s going to happen. We live in a magical universe that can bring you exactly what you desire in the most amazing and even unbelievable ways. Getting caught up in the how can actually impede the law of attraction. If you are trying to control the how, you are likely getting in the way and making it more difficult than it has to be. Instead, let go of any ideas about how it has to happen and allow the universe to do its magic.
This doesn’t mean you sit home and do nothing. The difference is that you await inspired action. Inspired action is that sudden feeling you should go the coffee shop even if you are not thirsty or you should get gas on the other side of the street. The law of attraction communicates to you through your intuition so make sure you are listening and following those gut feelings. Most of all, be open to all possibilities — you never know how the universe will deliver.

5 Financial Questions To Ask Before Getting Married

No one needs to know you started pinning ideas for thewedding after your second date. Planning is a good thing!
Although money matters aren’t nearly as fun as picking out the theme, the colors, the cake flavor or the wedding gown, discussing your philosophies on budgeting is just as important as anything else you plan for your marriedlife ahead. An alarming number of couples eventually break up over money. (Don’t be one of them!)
We’ve compiled a handy list of 20 questions to help you discuss your personal financial history, your individual approach to money and your hopes for the future related to money. Here are a few to get you started:
1. How did your parents spend money?
2. What mistakes have you made with money?
3. Do you track your spending and saving?
4. What stresses you out when it comes to money?
5. What are your Primary and Secondary Money Personalities?
It doesn’t have to be boring. On your next date night, make plans to meet somewhere new—a rooftop, the lake, the new lounge downtown—but take some time to hear what your significant other has to say about money. If you’re not sure about your Primary and Secondary Money Personalities, take ten minutes and find out with our free, scientific Money Personality Quiz.
You know you’re curve-breakers. Understand how you both approach money and you will join the ranks of those happy couples who discuss, compromise and agree on money matters.

This Madam Collected N4.2million From Married Women For "Miracle Babies"

The desperate search for the fruit of the womb often drive women to the extreme:

When women are unable natural sleep with their husbands, conceive and bear children, the huge psychological toll makes them fall prey to fraudulent people and more recently patrons of ‘baby factories’. 
Mrs Desope Cecilia, 61, and Mrs Joy Ibe, 43, are among the victims of Madam Oby George, who promised them ‘miracle’ twins and triplets respectively...
While Madam George, a midwife, was being paraded before journalists at the Lagos State Police Command, Ikeja, on Friday, the victims told their stories, with faces covered for security reasons.

Mrs Cecilia said she had not been able to give her 78-year-old husband a child since they got married. She stated, “A lady who knew I had tried to conceive without success for a long time, told me about the midwife (George). The lady gave me the phone number of the woman and I learnt her clinic is in Port Harcourt.

“When I got there in March 2012, she explained to me that she would be able to treat me with herbs and I would get pregnant. I was told to pay N1.5m, which I paid to her.

“She gave me some herbs to take back to Lagos with me and take for nine months. I took the herbs religiously. My tummy began to swell, and my feet too. Those were the only signs I had that made me think I was pregnant.”

Cecilia explained that George forbade her from going for any form of ante-natal session or scan. So, within the nine-month period that her tummy protruded like that of a pregnant woman, she visited no hospital.

“The midwife told me not to go for any scan or ante-natal care. She told me that if I did, they would not see anything because what I was carrying was a ‘miracle’ pregnancy,” Cecilia revealed.

Asked if she ever saw any sign associated like lactation during the period, Cecillia said she never knew it was a fake pregnancy.

“I thought it was normal. Since my belly was growing bigger and my feet swell up, I thought I was indeed pregnant,” she said.

In her ninth month, Cecilia embarked on her delivery journey to the house used by Madam George as clinic for her ‘miracle deliveries’ in Omiagbo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

When she arrived the house, the midwife prepared her for delivery with another round of concoctions.

“She also gave me a strange seed. I don’t know what it is called. When I chewed the seeds, I had to go to the toilet for bowel movement. She also gave me a drug that made me very tired.

“I was laid on a bed after that. The midwife asked me to start pushing. I began to push really hard. I was half-conscious. Suddenly, I heard the cry of a baby, then another.”

Cecilia said she left Madam George’s clinic, thinking she had indeed been blessed with ‘miracle twins’.

Miracle babies indeed! OluFamous.Com gathered that they are actually stolen babies from baby factories.

On April 16, 2013, Cecilia took the twins for immunisation at the Amuwo Odofin Health Centre, Lagos.

Lagos Police PRO, Ngozi Braide, said “But the medical officials at the centre were suspicious that Cecilia was not the biological mother of the twins. They then alerted the Area A Police Command. During investigation, she told the police that they were ‘miracle babies’.

“Our men got the address of the midwife and went to Port Harcourt, where she was arrested. Investigation still continues to ensure we apprehend other members of her cartel. The twins are currently with the SOS Children’s Village, Isolo,” Braide said.

According to Punch, the second victim (Mrs Ibe) was found in Madam George’s house when the police got there. In Mrs Ibe’s case, she wanted triplets. For that, she had to pay N2.7m to Madam George.

Like Cecilia, Mrs Ibe was referred to George by a friend. She contacted the midwife few months after Cecilia did. Hear her story below:

“After I went to Port Harcourt to meet the midwife, I paid the N2.7m and I was given some herbs which I drank as concoction regularly.

“My belly began to grow and my feet became swollen too. The midwife told me not to go to the hospital for scan or any ante-natal. I went to Port Harcourt to ask when I would be due for delivery.

“She told me I was not due yet. Since it was too late to go back to Lagos, I slept over at her house. It was when I was there that police came to arrest her.”

The strange part of this...
No one could doubted that both Mrs Ibe and Mrs Cecilia were pregnant as both women appeared with swollen tummies and feet. Madam George said she is simply “helping women who want to get pregnant.”

In her words: “I am 50 years old. I have been doing this business for over a year. In the case of the other woman (Cecilia), I was not the one who provided the babies.

“Helen Okoro, who introduced her to me, was the one who brought the twins and we made it look like she was the one who delivered them. It is true I collected N1.5m from her and N2.7m from the other woman.

“The herb I give them was to induce the swollen tummies and feet. Helen Okoro has run away now.”

Madam George however gave a frightening insight into how the "deal" is made believable. “When we asked her to push, we used a blade to cut part of her private part, so that she would bleed,” she said.

George denied knowledge of where the babies given to Cecilia came from. She said Okoro was responsible for that part of the deal. 
You may wish to know that there are so many baby factories in Abia and Enugu states, maybe she got the babies from agents there.

Friday 17 May 2013

Dolapo Oni leaves Studio 53, joins Ebony Life TV

Dolapo oni

Dolapo Oni, after three solid years as co-host of M-Net’s entertainment show ‘53 Extra’, Dolapo Oni has left the show. She has signed up with Mo Abudu’s famed talk show ‘Moments With Mo’, which has found a new home as the flagship show at Africa’s first global TV network: Ebony Life TV.

Dolapo saw Ebony Life as a fantastic opportunity that couldn't be missed. On moving to this exciting new channel, Dolapo says: “I’m looking forward to being part of history-in –the-making with Ebony Life TV. It’s an amazing team and the perfect new venture for me”.

Moments With Mo will be a daily talk show, due to launch in Africa this July, before rolling on to Sky TV in the UK and DISH in the US. http://marcydolapooni.com