
Monday 10 June 2013

WARNING! That Bottle Water You're Drinking May Be Unsafe

Tap water is a rarity in Nigeria, forget whatever promises the Minister for Water Resources may have made about making potable water available by whichever magic year.

Again, simply look away whenever expensive vehicles bearing the logo of a so-called water corporation drives by, because it is obvious that the authorities do everything with taxpayers’ funds except fulfilling one of the reasons for which people pay tax — provision of potable water.

Since the government has failed woefully to provide drinkable water to the people midway into the second decade of the 21st century, Nigerians are faced with two dismal options:

Sink private boreholes — with the attendant environmental implications; or rely on water supplies whose sources are dubious.

If any industry thrives in Nigeria despite the gloomy outlook of the economy, it is water-bottling firms. No wonder they are not thinking of relocating to neighbouring countries despite the moribund performance of another government agency, the Power Holding Corporation of Nigeria.

And with all sorts of water available in all forms — bottled or packed in mini cellophane bags — water consumers have never felt torn between choices.

Physicians agree that certain categories of people are more vulnerable to getting sick from contaminants in drinking water. These include people undergoing chemotherapy, those living with HIV/AIDS or patients who have received organ transplantation.

They also say pregnant women, the elderly and children may also be at greater risk. They therefore urge this group of people to seek physician’s advice about whether they should take additional precautions, such as boiling their water or drinking bottled water

People choose bottled water for a variety of reasons, including aesthetics, health concerns, or as a substitute for other beverages. But then, how far can you entrust the state of your health to daily or regular consumption of bottled- or, worse still, ‘pure,’ water?

A nutritionist, Dr. Kemi Elumoye, argues that bottled water is not just expensive, she also considers money spent on buying it wasteful. Worse, she says, “contrary to popular belief, the average bottled water is not any healthier for consumption than tap or deep well water.”

Indeed, the World Health Organisation’s Guidelines for drinking-water quality state that substances like lead, arsenic and fluoride may be more readily controlled in bottled water than in tap water. Yet, the guidelines also state that some substances are more difficult to manage in bottled water than in tap water.

This is because, as the WHO notes, bottled water is stored for longer periods and at higher temperatures than tap water, allowing some microorganisms to grow to higher levels. The global health body therefore cautions that because bottled water is not sterile, infants, pregnant women and immuno-compromised individuals may be vulnerable to water contaminants.

Elumoye says of utmost importance is the source of the water. “I challenge bottled water consumers to examine closely the labels on the water bottle if they would ever see where the water they drink comes from. What this translates to, in essence, is that bottled water companies also drill boreholes from which they source the water, and then take the water through certain processes that may be inimical to health when used regularly.”

She also notes that in a country like Nigeria where regulations are sometimes observed in the breach, bottled water may not be safe enough for consumption, as the bottles may leak certain chemicals into the water, especially after the water may have been exposed to the elements, like when left in the sun all day in the course of displaying them on the shelf.

As for mothers who feed their babies with bottled water or use it to mix infant formula, Elumoye warns that the probable high mineral content of some bottled water “makes them unsuitable for feeding babies and young children.”

Talking about the process of bottled water manufacture, the International Bottled Water Association discloses that each bottle of water passes through processing such as reverse osmosis, deionisation, activated carbon filtration and other approved treatment procedures.

In tearing down the façade of healthiness of bottled water processing, an industrial chemist, Mr. Tunde George, says through reverse osmosis, water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane, which filters out a select number of contaminants, depending on the size of the contaminants.

He notes that if the contaminants are larger in size than water molecules, they will be filtered out, but if they are smaller in size, they will remain in the drinking water.

Elumoye argues that reverse osmosis de-mineralises water. She says, “Most mineral particles such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, magnesium, and iron are larger than water molecules; they are therefore removed by the semi-permeable membrane of the reverse osmosis system.

“By so doing, the naturally occurring minerals in water would have been removed, leaving the water tasteless. This also makes the water acidic (often well below 7.0 pH); and when taken regularly, it can make it impossible for the consumer to maintain a healthy pH balance in the blood, which should be slightly alkaline.”

Again, medical researchers warn that drinking (such) acidic water (and other acidic beverages) will often cause a leaking of essential minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, from the body, especially from the bones and teeth, as the body tries to neutralise the acidity.

George explains that during deonisation, the mineral ions (salts) in water are removed. “These mineral ions include sodium, calcium, iron, copper, chloride, and bromide. Deionised water is created by taking conventional water and exposing it to electrically charged resins that attract and bind to the salts, removing them from the water. Because most of the impurities in water are mineral salts, deionised water is mostly pure, but it does still contain numerous bacteria and viruses, which have no charge and therefore are not attracted to the electrified resins.”

Elumoye says many of the mineral salts taken out during deionisation are essential nutrients that the body needs.

As for activated carbon filtration of water, scientists at North Carolina State University say though the process is good for removing organic compounds that make water taste and smell bad, the downside is that it does not filter out heavy metals, fluoride, bacteria or microorganisms that may be in the water.

The researchers also warn that if the carbon filter is not replaced often enough, bacteria can build up on the surface of the carbon and fill the entire surface. “When water is poured through the saturated filter, it will not filter effectively and some of the bacteria can contaminate the water,” the scientists say. This is not your idea of potable water, is it?

In sum, Elumoye advises people to boil their water and filter it if they think it is not pure enough.

And after boiling, you may just pour it into a large container where everybody can have access to it, rather than bottling it. Again, unused water must be discarded by the following day and a new one boiled for use. That way, you are sure of what you are drinking,’ Elumoye counsels.
By Solaade Ayo-Aderele

Tonto Dikeh Falls On-Stage At Kukere Concert In London

So, yesterday, our dear darling Tonto Dikeh co-hosted Iyanya’s Kukere London Concert. And at some point during the show, Tonto fell flat on her face! And here’s how it happened! *biggg winksss*
Tonto Dikeh had ALL the signs that she was either high on alcohol or drugs when she came on stage to perform last night. I was told.
Tonto Dikeh_Iyanya London Kukere Concert
Her song was playing for her to perform but she kept telling the crowd that she can’t wave because she did not shave her armpit. Then she put her hand in the armpit, staggering and shouting, that when she was in America they showed her love.
All this time she was supposed to be performing, next thing she fell!
The MC had to get her off the stage, reportedly because they realised she was messed up.. She kept staggering and shouting.
She has however denied that she was high, see her tweet;

One Year After Her Fairytale Wedding, Nollywood Star Stephanie Linus Speaks on the Journey So Far & Her New Projects

Beautiful Nollywood Star, Stephanie Okereke Linus has over 90 movies to her credit and several awards to her credit.
She was born in Imo State, Nigeria and is the sixth child of eight children. She studied at the University of Calabar, where she graduated with a degree in English and Literary Studies.The graduate of the New York Film Academy is also a movie director and producer and is set to break new grounds in the movie industry.
Stephanie and her husband, Linus Idahosa exchanged their wedding vows on April 21st 2012  in a picturesque castle in the capital of France.
Stephanie-OkerekeBelow is excerpt from the interiew conducted by Adeola Adeyemo of  Bella naija
You seem to have been maintaining a low profile lately. We haven’t seen you feature in as many movies as we used to. What have you been up to?
I’ve been busy preparing the ground work for my upcoming film, DRY. I’ve finished the first phase of the project and I’m working towards the next phase. It’s a lot of work and it takes a lot of my time and energy.
I understand you are producing, directing and acting in this movie. Isn’t that too much of a task?
It wasn’t intentional. This particular project is something that is so dear to my heart. I’ve been working on it since I was in the University when I heard about Vaginal Fistula and early marriage and what women go through. I’ve done a lot of advocacy programs concerning this particular issue. It’s not like I planned it, I wrote the story and raised the funds for it so that means I became the producer. Then I acted and directed also. It just happened
Where did you get some formal training in movie directing?
I went to the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles. Also as an actress, I’ve garnered a lot of experience over the years.
So, are you saying DRY is what has taken your time away from featuring in other movies because it does seem like you have slowed down?
At this point in time, I just want to do a project. I don’t need to be in a hundred movies, I just need to do one or two movies in a year and I’m done. If I see good quality movies to be in, I would be, but now I’m just looking for something that would give me the extra push. I don’t want to be a mediocre actress or be in a feel good kind of movie. I need something to push me, and take me to where I need to be. I have about four scripts I’m considering at the moment but DRY is a project that is dear to my heart so I’m concentrating on this and when I’m done with it, I’d be off doing other projects. DRY is going to be released this year.
Stepping Out Of Her Shell
You launched your blog StephanieDaily last year and in one year, it has garnered so much attention. You’ve also been quite consistent with it. How do you keep up? Are you the one actually putting up these blog posts?
Yes I am, and I have some people working with me. It’s just a platform for me to keep intimate with my fans, and tell them what I’m up to. I’ve been really busy with my project this year and that has taken away some of my attention from the blog but hopefully in the next couple of months, I’m going to give out all the things I promised my fans. They have been very supportive and I just need to do more for them and give them something to talk about.
I won’t classify you as someone who intentionally puts herself out there especially on social media but it seems you are coming out of your shell now… 
Time is changing. With social media, people now expect more from me. I used to think that being an actress is enough of me out there. But a lot of young people need guidance, they want to ask questions, they want to know how you did this and that and it’s good to give them some access to you, to feel like they know you. That is the whole essence of being out there and reaching out to people. I get a lot of emails from people asking for advice and sometimes when I say things to people, it goes a long way to affect them and hearing it kind of likes lights up their day. So I’m adjusting a little bit.
Still talking about social media, some of your photos have surfaced online recently. In one picture, you are standing beside a car and in the other one, you are playing with two dogs. This seems like a first from you and has already become news.
I was just standing outside, waiting for my husband to come and pick me up to somewhere and I was leaning on his car and checking my phone while someone was taking my pictures. I later shared it on Instagram and the next thing I read was someone saying I’m flaunting my cars. When I read it I was like “are you for real?” It doesn’t make sense.
How about the dogs, are they yours?
Yes, they are mine. They are somewhere in the back making noise. I love my little puppies – Joey and Isy. I think the fans are more demanding, they want to know what my regular day is like and then you just want to share a little piece of you out there. It’s all about sharing these days isn’t it?

Stepping Into The Limelight
I understand you were a runner up at the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria Beauty Pageant in 2002. Did your journey start from there?
No, it started way before that. Right after I finished my final exams in Secondary School, I knew I wanted to be an actress. I was used to singing on stage, performing, taking part in school debates and dramas. Shortly after, I got a role in a movie called ‘Compromise’ where I just said one line. When I came back to school to pick up my results, my teachers told me they had seen me in the movie and that they weren’t surprised I had followed that path. I had featured in 3 movies before I did the beauty pageant which was a good platform for my career.
Can you tell me about your experience at the Women In The World Summit in 2010 where you shared a stage with Meryl Streep and Hillary Clinton?
I was among the 300 women that were selected from across the world. We did a stage reading where a couple of actresses from different countries came to talk about the plight of women and activities that women in different countries are doing. It was a very lovely moment for me.
A year later, the Federal Government of Nigeria honoured you with the Member of the Fedral Republic (MFR) Award. How did the news come to you?
I wasn’t expecting it. I was in Los Angeles when I heard about it. I actually read it in the papers. It was a good thing to be recognized by my country and also that the Nigerian government is realizing the role that the entertainment industry plays. It is also encouraging for young people.
We were shocked to hear about your accident some years ago. How have you pulled through that period in your life?
Accident is never a good thing but I’m totally grateful to God that I’m alive. It happened in 2005 and I was able to walk properly in 2007. I had three major operations before I could walk and it was a long time before I was allowed to wear high heels. Even now, I can’t wear heels for so long. But I’m very grateful to God for seeing me through and for bringing my loved ones around me when it happened. People supported me. Nollywood was also wonderful to me. Even when I was using crutches, people were writing scripts and adjusting it to suit my condition at the time.
What was the most important lesson you learnt from that experience?
When I was admitted to the hospital, I remember asking the Doctor “are you going to cut off my leg?” At that time I had already started processing that possibility in my mind and wanted to know the best thing I could make out of the situation. But he said no and I was grateful. Now I know that when you’re sick, the healing comes first from your mind and from you being positive about it.
Her Marriage, Wedding, Husband & Aspirations
I know it’s been a couple of weeks but congratulations on your one year wedding anniversary. How did you celebrate it? 
I read somewhere that they said we went to France.
I did too. Is that not true?
Not at all! But it was fun. How time flies! It seems like my wedding was just yesterday but our anniversary was a special moment.
Looking back at the past one year, what has been the difference between your wedding and the actual marriage?
My husband and I are pals. Is the wedding supposed to be different from the marriage? I don’t know.
People say that the marriage is where the real test begins, where the real school is. Is that true?
Marriage is a school for you to learn, definitely. But when you know what your marriage is founded on, it is peaceful and you are content. I don’t see any difference because the wedding was about us. We weren’t trying to impress anyone with our wedding. It was how we saw ourselves and that is what we brought to fruition. There is still glamour in my marriage. We are just a young couple trying to have fun, live life and be happy. We set our own rules and we live by them and we try to make each other happy and be committed to ourselves and our marriage.
I’ve been itching to ask you this question for a long time. Why did you choose to have your wedding in Paris?
We just wanted something different. If it was in Nigeria, it would have been a real carnival but we wanted something serene. The love is a little bit sweeter in Paris, you know it can be hard in Nigeria (laughs). He feels he is a King and I’m a Queen, that is what we call ourselves, and we wanted to have this whole royal thingy going and we knew that we wouldn’t get that serenity in Lagos. We also wanted our families to bond, we wanted our parents to experience something new, to travel and relax. It was special to us and we wanted everyone around us to have special memories. We wanted something spiritual and divine. Not like we couldn’t get it here, but we wanted something to look back at with joy. We wanted to do us.
At what point did you know that Paris was the place?
I went to Cannes Film Festival with my sisters. When they left, my husband came to join me and the love was so sweet, it was so nice and beautiful and we knew Paris was the place.
Despite the fact that it was a destination wedding, you had a good number of family and friends from Nigeria join you.
It was just God showing himself. We told God that we wanted to get married in Paris and He should give us a sign if we should do Paris. And He gave us a sign. Arik Air donated one full return flight to us at no cost. Also, Air France gave us good discounts on tickets and the Embassy was really helpful with visas. It’s the grace of God that gets us things like that.
It’s never too late to ask this. What attracted you to your husband?
He is very tender and protective, a man’s man. As a woman, when a man loves you, you just know. You know that you’re in it together, regardless of any situation. With him, there was a conviction in my heart that this is it. He is a very charismatic, confident man and he knows who he is. He is sweet, humble, very loving and he takes good care of me.
I remember seeing pictures from your surprise birthday party a few months ago and you looked utterly surprised when you stepped in. How did he pull this off?
He doesn’t like surprises but he knows I like surprises. That day, when I woke up, I remember telling him “don’t try anything oh, I hope you’re not planning anything”. We planned to go out later in the evening so I went out to get my spa treatment and get my hair done. Apparently, my friend who was with me was already in on it. He had told her to delay me till a particular time. She had also told the people doing my nails, hair and facials to take their time and do it slowly. They all ganged up on me. Meanwhile, I was busy calling him, apologizing that I was late for our date. As I approached the house on my way back home, I saw a lot of cars parked around our house and then I just knew that he had done it again.
That sounds really sweet. Sometime in December, rumours swirled that you were pregnant. How did you take this?
It’s a good thing. That means they are praying for me to pop out the little ones. Yeah, the little ones are coming soon, but you know, everything is in God’s hands and I’ll have a baby when I’m supposed to have a baby. I am definitely not under any kind of pressure. We wish for it to happen and of course it’s going to happen.
You announced some time ago that you were going to launch your Perfume line. How far have you gone with that project?
It is in the works. They sent me samples and I’m almost done with production, just a little tweak here and there and we’ll start rolling.
What inspired you to come up with a perfume line?
I love perfumes, I love to smell good. The perfume line is just part of a whole lot of other things I intend to do but we’re taking it one step at a time.
Her Style
Some women say that when they get married their style changes. Has this happened to you?
Maybe that happens when you’ve added a little weight here and there. But generally, as you mature, there are certain things you tend to change. I won’t say I’ve changed, maybe a little bit.
What should a lady do to achieve a good look everytime she steps out?
I think you need to take care of your body, your health, and your skin by doing your spa and facial treatment. Sometimes, too much hair extension leaves clogs on your skin. You should also take time to relax and try to look the best you can really. Also be yourself, let the inner beauty in you come out.
You’ve made several red carpet appearances and almost everytime you do so, you grab the headlines. Which red carpet look however, are you most proud of?
I love the fact that I rocked my natural hair at the AMVCA. I had been wanting to rock my natural hair for so long and when I finally got to do it, I felt really good about myself. I’d definitely do more of it. Your natural look shows who you really are.
Which words would you like to leave your fans with as we say goodbye for now?
I just want to appreciate them all for being with me through the years, especially the ones that love me. I am going to a new chapter in my life, this is a new phase and I’m trying to adjust and also reinvent. I love reinventing myself. They should expect more, something that would make them really proud and make myself proud also.
Source Bella Naija

BBA The-chase: LK4 And Koketso Evicted From Big Brother Africa

Having had two weeks of a love connection, with a few forces against their partnership, LK4 and Koketso have left The Chase tonight. South Africa’s Koketso didn’t even know that she was nominated. She had been placed on the chopping block by Selly who preferred saving Biguesas from Eviction.
The Ugandan Prince said a prayer earlier this evening before the Rubies had their dinner. Koketso was at his side as always, holding her man’s hand as he emotionally thanked the Almighty for the time spent with ‘friends’ and how much the BBA opportunity meant to him. Maria was so touched by his words that she thought Elikem was the one praying.

Koketso also felt very emotional just before tonight’s Evictions, saying that the Ruby House is home to the Housemates for the next two months but she wasn’t aware that she’d be leaving The Chase tonight. Everyone was so sad.

When IK called out LK4’s name on the Live Show, he was standing next to his lady love, Koketso, who held on to him for dear life as Biggie was counting him down for his exit. The rest of the Housemates came to hug LK4, some crying and some wishing him well.

In the Diamond House, the poor Housemates were obviously curious about what the third House was for and who might be in it. They therefore said a little prayer together, in an attempt to suppress their gyrating nerves saying, “As long as I know God, I will be ok.”

On the flip side, Koketso and LK4 are now free to pursue their relationship without the limitations that came with the show. If their connection was real then the pair ought to continue it on the outside and see how far it’ll go. Good luck lovers.

Here is How Africa Voted

Malawi: Hakeem
Namibia: Dillish
Nigeria: Dillish
South Africa: Koketso
Sierra Leone: Feza
Tanzania: Feza
Uganda: LK4
Zambia: Hakeem
Zimbabwe: Hakeem
Rest of Africa: Hakeem

Total: Hakeem = 6; Feza = 3; Dillish =3, Koketso = 2, LK4 = 1. (Total: 15 Votes)