
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Nollywood actress and producer Blessing Egbe welcomes baby boy

Blessing Efiom Egbe, the producer of 'Two Brides and a Baby' and 'Lekki Wives' welcomed a son today. Congrats to Blessing and her hubby.

A Must Read : How You Can Resist The Temptation Of Cheating On Your Partner

Human beings, by nature, are prone to temptation. Everyone is likely to be tempted to cheat at some point in a relationship. Here are some tips to help you resist the temptation to cheat on your partner.
1, Resist and Flee:
The best way to deal with temptation is to avoid it. Run away from it like it’s a disease. Don’t overestimate your strength and think you can handle it. While it’s natural to find someone attractive ,avoid taking it to the next level. As humans, we always want more, especially when it comes to s*xual attraction. When you step into the world of temptation, you’ll always want more.
2, Think About the Consequences:
People mostly make mistakes because they don’t think about the future. Think about what you’re trying to do. Will it be worth it in the end? Imagine what would happen if your partner finds out. Also remember, that in the end, cheating makes you feel horrible. Before you do it, think about what you stand to lose.
3, Put Yourself in Your Partner’s Shoes:
The golden rule applies here. Do unto others as you’d like to be done to you. Would you like to be cheated on? I’m guessing the answer is no. Consider your partner’s feelings and imagine if you were in their position. That should do the trick.
4, Be Determined:
Human beings are capable of very amazing things when they put in their best. You are stronger than you realize. Determination is the key to success in any endeavour. Just be determined not to cheat and it will do wonders.
5, Prepare Yourself:
The greatest weapon of battle is the element of surprise. Don’t let yourself be caught by surprise. You are human and you will definitely be tempted. Preparation will ensure that you’re ready to handle the problem when it arises.
Knowing how to resist temptation in love isn’t about hiding from temptation. It’s about genuinely understanding that what you share with your own partner is a lot more special, and worth more than any affair in the entire world.

Read and Learn : See The Crazy Things This Lady Did Just So A Man Could Marry Her

If you're a single lady and have been under pressure to find a man that will put a ring on your finger. This is the time to get your acts together and position yourself properly. Stop playing hard to get, especially if you know that age is not on your side and it's worse if you are not even a beautiful girl.

This lady selected men when she was young. Now men are 'scarce' for her. See her story below:

Show Me The Market Where They Sell Husband, I Will Buy One...
I have heard the question ‘are you married?’ more than the birthday wishes I receive annually. At first, I used to sheepishly answer ‘no oooo, not yet’, then I continued to ‘very soon’. After a while, I started claiming it by fire by force, claiming that the man is on his way to meet me. All these haven’t changed the fact that some years down the line, I am still not married.

I have been in relationships that were good and some bad. The good ones happened when I was much younger and not ready to settle down; but the bad ones have taught me the lesson of a lifetime. My last one got me dishing out my money on a regular basis. All he had to do was come up with some story of being unable to carry out some projects due to some financial incapability. I was earning twice as much as he earned, would take a cab to and from his place on weekends. Sweet Lover Boy would just stand by the cab and wave me bye when he was leaving. I would cook his favourite dishes too; all he had to do was say what he wanted to eat. All these were with my very hard earned Naira. I never missed a moment to surprise him – buying gifts, calling him hourly- all because I wanted a ring on my finger.

It eventually collapsed after I met his mum. Because, seemingly for no reason, she did not like me and found me not worthy of her son. It was too late to count my losses. How can I forget? He even lost his job mid-way into our 8 months relationship and yes, the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 would have had to contest with me if she had a face. I was fending for both son and mother. Lover boy would always complain of B if he got A and complain about D when I made sure he eventually got B.

Before you start saying ‘maybe, you are not good looking’, I dare say that if it was beauty that kept a man, then Prince Charles would never have left Diana. I am 5’7 and pretty. However, the men I have met after my ‘tales in hell’ relationship are either married or about to get married. That is not a life I would want for myself. Before you also say maybe you gave too much away by cooking his meals or being generous or sympathetic, I say to you ‘how can you please the world’?

The guy I dated before Sweet Lover Boy got me something new every time we met, took me to places I had only dreamed of, but I never got him anything. At a point, he felt I was stingy. I never called with my airtime despite his purchases of same for me. When we eventually broke up, he told me to my face that I did not love him. In retrospect, I loved him, but I was with the mindset that giving a man anything would cheapen the reason of their existence. It hurt me when we broke up and then I resolved to give and give and give and give in my next relationship.

Almost all of my friends and colleagues are married, and from the look of things, it seems like a good place to be in. The ‘my husband’, ‘my wife’ tales are good to listen to sometimes. To love and be loved is the sweetest thing that could ever happen to anyone. I desire that. In the meantime, I am where I am, fasting and praying for this man.

Like couples long for a child and ache at the sight of toys or children parties, I long for an engagement ring and to splatter my wedding pictures on Facebook (whether high profile or not), I long to gist others about ‘my husband did this or said this’ (whether true or not).

Until he comes, I am here, focusing on other things, moving my life forward, being a better person every day. Technology has a bank for sperm or eggs for couples experiencing infertility, sadly, there isn’t any for men.

So, friends and colleagues, church members and distant relatives, until you show me the market where to buy one from, please stop asking me if I am married.

By Gloria Jacobs

No more American Babies For Nigerian Celebrities

Hope of our celebrities who plan to travel to the United States of America to have their babies has finally come to a halt, as the new policy of Uncle Sam’s country may not favour 90% of them. The likes of Mercy Johnson who recently had her baby there should be thankful to God because she is likely going to be the last woman standing in Nollywood.

According to report gathered from Compass, the United States government appears to have tightened the noose on Nigerian pregnant women who have formed the habit of traveling to the US to deliver their babies. The women employ the ploy to ensure that such babies become citizens of the US in order to enjoy all the benefits of US citizenship.

However, with the new policy being introduced in the US, Nigeria women who travel abroad to deliver their babies may now have to opt for other countries other than the US or be multi-millionaires before they can have access to travelling for child delivery and qualify for automatic citizenship.

Most pregnant women in the past concealed their pregnancies during their visa interview or went for the interview with protruding tummies. But unfortunately for them now, women who are making such future plans may have the plans fall flat as the U.S embassy has got wind of the popular gimmick pregnant women use to secure visa for child delivery in the foreign country.

Already, the embassy has outlined some conditions which have to be met before such a visa which falls under medical tourism category is issued. But these conditions will not be favourable to many.

The applicant has to show proof of available funds of at least $140,000 (about N24 million) to pay medical fees; the applicant has to show proof of the need for medical attention in the U.S, such as high risk pregnancy and the likes.

US Embassy Chief of Consular Section, Ms Carol Cox disclosed that it would cost at least $60,000 to have a baby in the US and when complications arise from the delivery; the medical bills may go as high as $140,000.

Thus, fund availability, is very important as it is necessary to ensure that American taxpayers do not have to pay such bills, says Cox.

‘We owe the American public who pay taxes to make sure that those who seek medical services in the US pay for such services. This is essential because there are those who have the money and are not willing to pay.

‘It is very frustrating when you see a woman who is obviously pregnant. Sometimes seven months gone, tell you during a visa interview that she is just going to the US for a vacation,’ she said.

This new law was obviously made to discourage Nigerian women from traveling in the bid to get citizenship for such children but only those who need medical attention and can afford at least N24 million for medical bills will have the opportunity to deliver children in the country.

- Additional Material from Compass