
Thursday 21 February 2013

Lady Gaga Posts Letter Thanking Fans for "Strength" During Her SurgerLady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Where would Mother Monster be without her Little Monsters?
Lady Gaga took to her website late Wednesday to thank her multitude of fans for their "strength" and "perseverance" as she underwent surgery to treat a hip injury after being forced to cancel her Born This Way Ball tour.
And in the heartfelt message, the 26-year-old pop star made it abundantly clear just how much those Little Monsters meant to her.

"Monsters, You really gave me a lot of strength today. Everything happened so fast, but when it came time to face it I reflected on the many stories and experiences you've shared with me about your lives," she wrote.

"Meeting you backstage, reading your letters, watching you communicate with fans from around the globe to form a community that supports one another—You have completely blown my mind. As they wheeled me into surgery today, I thought about all of your pain and perseverance, your unique family situations, school environments, health issues, homelessness, identity struggles—sometimes you are so brave that it terrifies me. I wonder how it's even possible."
The enormity of those struggles, Gaga said, helped her put her own plight in perspective.

Lady Gaga visits sick fan after pulling plug on tour

"So I thought to myself, I'm alive, I'm living my dream, and this is just a bump in the road," she mused. "I'm grateful because this is temporary, and for some it is not. You have changed my life. I love you and am proud to be a part of your lives. If you can do it, I can do it too, and if we stick together we can get through anything."

After initially postponing several shows earlier this month due to a labral tear in her right hip, Gaga was forced to pull the plug on her entire tour after she was unable to walk and it became clear that the songbird would require surgery.
But ever the trouper that she is, Gaga still managed to give props to her fans just as she was about to be wheeled into the operating room.
"Going in for surgery now," she tweeted Wednesday. "Thank you so much for sending me love and support. I will be dreaming of you."

Rapper Camron release photos of him & his fiancee having X in the tub

Cam'ron and model JuJu

Rapper Cam'ron and model JuJu got engaged last year after dating off and on since 2006. Earlier today, Camron posted a photo of the two having X in their tub on his Instagram page...

If you're 18 or below please do not click continue. If you're above 18...don't open at work :-). See the photos below.....

                                   Below is how he captioned the photos...

'America's Got Talent' hiring Mel B to replace Sharon Osbourne

Mel B

The NBC summer reality hit has signed Spice Girl Mel B (aka Melanie Brown) to join the judging panel. She’ll take a seat beside Howard Stern and Howie Mandel critiquing the show’s wild variety of performers. The pop singer has live competition show experience having served as a judge on the Australian version of The X Factor and guest hosted on the UK version.

Scary Spice will replace the show’s longtime judge Sharon Osbourne, who announced she was quitting last year. Osbourne later said she was angry at the network for declining to cast her son Jack on the physically demanding NBC reality effort Stars Earn Stripes after he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Google Glass video reveals that Google's RoboCop glasses will let you take pictures and skydive and whatever

Google Spyware

For generations, the Great Minds of our world asked themselves: “Wouldn’t it be great if there was a machine that could take pictures of your inane life, give you up-to-the-second directions so you never need to understand how to read a map again, and show you photos of tiger heads so you can carve an ice block into a tiger head?” And lo, thus it came to pass that — in the first decade of the third millennium A.D. — the market was positively besieged with magical picture-taking, map-replacing, tiger-head-picture-discovering devices. Smartphones. Tablets. Phone tablets. Tabphones. But that was not enough for the Great Minds. (It never is.)

So, the anti-evil crusaders at Google have created Google Glass, a futuristic visor which is basically a smartphone mashed with hipster glasses. Google Glass finally completes our race’s journey from the physical to the metaphysical, replacing the boring old concrete world with a land of picture-in-picture pop-ups. A new video released by Google reveals that the glasses are voice-activated; since Glass is currently slated to arrive in early 2014, that means we have exactly one more year of serenity before half the people in the civilized world start just randomly yelling out “Okay, Glass: Take a picture!” because they saw a cute cat doing something cute and they want to share that cuteness with their friends.
According to the video, Google Glass will be used exclusively by ballet dancers, skydivers, acrobats, equestrians, ice sculpturists, skiiers, table tennis players, and people who really really like aquariums. Not shown in the video is the inevitable future world of like 2017, when Google Glass starts beaming advertisements for “Premium Handmade Sushi” and “Investment Bank Bootcamp” right into your retinas. In conclusion: Woohoo, future.