Showing posts with label naeto c shames. Show all posts
Showing posts with label naeto c shames. Show all posts

Saturday 19 November 2011

Naeto C in a Public Show of fame

Energetic and talented entertainer,Naeto Chukwu Chikwe popularly known as Naeto C, is said to have been one of the principal characters in a public show of shame in Benin City,Edo State.

Information at our disposal has it that the gangling son of former Aviation Minister,Dr. Kema Chikwe,was among the top artistes billed for the Love Concert 3 at Wesley Hotel,Benin City on Saturday,November 5,2011.

After being lodged in his hotel room,he was later called upon for his performance but he requested that the organizers of the show,Ehiglad Entertainment pay his return ticket first.

They promised to pay him immediately after his performance.They argued that at least they have paid his artiste fee which was N500,000.But Naeto C declined saying he has paid for the flight already but needed the refund.Thus,the show went on without his performance.

However,Naeto C was alleged to have told the security operatives that his $6,000 and a Bold 5 Blackberry phone was stolen.
Consequently,the organizers were arrested but released on bail on Monday,November 7,2011.