Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday 28 November 2011

Why is that white people are more fund of Divorce?

I have been very curious about this and possibly each day u hear white people getting a divorce even after several years of Marriage and having Children as well, they still later come up with a plan of divorce, Most of them dont care if they have the man that got them pregnant to father their children or not!

Its very alarming that each year, the rate of divorce in the white man's land is so high and rapid. Obviously, the statistical rate of the divorce in the United states and European countries is shocking.

But the reasons that normally lead to a divorce is quite unmeritorious, i'm kinda still asking ....Why??...!!!

Here is the Statistics, specifically this is in the United States:

Divorce rate in the United States

In 1998 2.2 million couples married and 1.1 million couples divorced.
In 2000 58 million couples were married, yet separated.
In 2000 there were over 21 million divorces.
People between the ages of 25 to 39 make up 60% of all divorces.
Over one million children are affected by divorce each year.
Approximately 1/3 of divorced parents remain bitter and hostile several years after the divorce.Divorce rate United States vorce Statistics United States
In 1990 the average female age for re-marriage after divorce was 30.6 years; for males, 33.7 years of age.Divorce rate United States
In 1990 the average female age for a second divorce was 37.3 years; for males, 40.4 years of age.Divorce rate United States
More people are part of second marriages today than first marriages.
One-quarter of all Americans have experienced at least one divorce.
Divorce rate is generally calculated by comparing the number of divorces with the number of marriages in a given time period.
In the United States in 1999 there were 8.4 marriages and 4.2 divorces per 1,000 total population. Divorce rate United States
Thus it can be seen that in 1999 there was one divorce for every two marriages in the United States, a "crude" divorce rate of 50%. The Rutgers National Marriage Project (marriage.rutgers.edu) bases their review of divorce trends on the number of marriages per 1000 unmarried women 15 years of age or older, and the number of divorces per 1000 married women in the same age bracket.

Friday 11 November 2011

Ghanaian Actor John Dumelo say's "I AM ENGAGED"

When a pretty singer and a handsome actor, both young and single, come together for a make-believe wedding scene on stage, it provides fertile ground for their numerous fans to make guesses about whether they are romantically linked.

That’s exactly what has been happening since Saturday, October 29 when John Dumelo, spotting a smart dark suit came on to carry away Becca in a gorgeous wedding dress at the end of the singer’s Forever song during the Red Lipsticks concert at the Dome of the International Conference Centre.

“He kissed her for real,”; “She seemed so excited about it all,”; “I’m sure there is something secret between them,”; “They look so compatible” were some of the comments passed by the fans.

The two, however, say though they have known each other for about 10 years, there is no secret fire burning in their hearts for each other and that they are simply good friends.

According to Becca, she first met John Dumelo when they attended vacation classes at Achimota School in Accra. She was then a student at Wesley Girls High School in Cape Coast and John Dumelo was in Achimota School. “He was already my big brother’s friend and we got along well when we met,” the singer pointed out.

“Forever is a love song and my management decided at one of the rehearsal sessions that we should incorporate a wedding bit to thrill the audience. “There were options on which actor to call but we settled for Dumelo because he is good-looking and a good actor with an appreciable following. He fitted the role best. We were both acting so we had to make it look as real as possible. I’m sorry to disappoint our fans that there is nothing romantic between us

Dumelo also stated that he did not hesitate to play the role when contacted by the singer’s management because of his friendship with her. He said though some people say they look compatible, he was engaged to someone else but Becca remained a very good friend.

“My fiancĂ©e did not get angry on hearing all the rumors about my supposed romantic links with Becca because she was already aware of our close friendship.”

Becca denied that she was in a relationship with her manager, Kiki Banson. She said since Banson was the only man people saw around her in public, she understood it when rumours flew around that he was dating her. “The truth is that there are other people in my life but I’m a very private person and I like to keep my love life away from public glare. The public would know who I’m dating at the right time,” the Afro-Pop singer said.