Showing posts with label The 200 Abducted Girls Are Coming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The 200 Abducted Girls Are Coming. Show all posts

Monday 12 May 2014

FULL 1 HOUR VIDEO : “I Am The One That Took Your Girls” Boko Haram Leader Abubakar Shekau

The leader of Boko Haram sect, Imam Abubakar Shekau, released a video today in which he claimed responsibility for abducting the Nigerian school girls, and said he will soak all Nigerian soil with Christian blood, and Muslims opposing them, whom he described as infidels.

The video lasts 56 minutes and 58 seconds, and shows Iman Shekau speaking from a script, surrounded by heavily armed fighters, backed by an armored personnel carrier, and two other armed vehicles.

Iman Shekau said, “I am the one that took your girls.  Are you the one that created the girls? I will sell them in the market. I have my own market of selling human beings. It is Allah, the owner that instructed me to sell. I will sell the girls.”

And he added, “It is Allah that instructed us, until we soak the ground of Nigeria with Christian blood and so called Muslims contradicting Islam. After we have killed, killed, killed, and get fatigue and wondering on what to do with smelling of their corpses, smelling of Obama, Bush and Jonathan worried us then we will open prison and be imprisoned the rest. Infidels have no value.”

234 Nigerian schoolgirls, aged between 15-18, were abducted from a remote school in Chibok village, Borno State, in Northeast Nigeria on April 15. The girls and young women came from schools in Izge, Lassa, Ashigashiya and Warabe to do final exams because other the schools were shut in Borno state because of attacks by Boko Haram.

Iman Shekau said the sects friends are those in Afghanistan, Mali, Yemen and Pakistan, and not those Arabs who just bragged with their colors but deal with Americans and the West. Shekau said there is slavery in Islam, contrary to his critics, noting that Prophet Muhammed took slaves during Badr war in Hejaz region of western Arabia in present day Saudi Arabia.

Shekau said, “Just because I took girls in Western school they are worried. I say they (the girls) should desert the school.  They should go and marry. Stupid people.  Talking about human rights and democracy. Nonsense.  People that are doing same sex marriage and saying they are leaders.”

And he added, “I will imprison Jonathan’s daughter, any one that turn to Islam will be saved. For me anyone that embraces Islam is my own. Stupid Jonathan, you will be surprise. Until the land is soaked with blood.”

Later he said, “This is a war against Christians and democracy and their constitution, we have not started, we will be in Abuja, and in your state. This war is against Christians, I mean Christians, generally the infidels. Allah says we should finish them when we get them.”

Shekau boasted in the video that he has no business with infidel’s money, “I have no time with your trillion. I am working for Allah and will die for it.  No one can stop me. You killed Mohammed Yusuf.  Are you not saying he is even better than Shekau? Even if you kill me, other fighters will rise better than me, I am nothing and worthless before Allah who I am working for. You are sitting with Christians and saying we are one, saying there is no difference. We are not one with infidels.”

Later he said, “It is a lie, in fact you suppose to wash and re-wash a plate Christian eats food before you eat as Muslims. You know all these things and you are contradicting Islam. Are Christians the people we should play with? They killed us in Shendam, Zangon Katab and all the places. It is either you are with us or you are with them, and when we see you, we will harvest your neck with knife.”

He cursed Islamic political leaders the late Malam Aminu Kano, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, and Islamic scholar, Usman Dan Fodio as infidels for working and accepting democracy and constitution, and added, “We are not ignorant of all that happened.”

The mass abduction three weeks ago, and the Nigerian military’s failure to rescue the girls and young women, has roused national and international outrage with protests in major cities in Nigeria, and across the world.

A number of girls have escaped who said their captors identified themselves as Boko Haram.

Nigerian Police Commissioner, Tanko Lawan told reporters the number of escaped girls is 53.

Content: Sahara Reporters

Monday 28 April 2014

Prophet TB Joshua: I Can See It, The 200 Abducted Girls Are Coming

Popular Nigerian Prophet, T.B. Joshua, proclaimed to his congregation on Sunday 27th April, 2014, that the abducted schoolgirls in Borno State were on the verge of being released by ‘God’, adding that almost half had already escaped their kidnappers clutches and on their way to freedom already.

Amid mounting public fury and an international outcry over the fate of the over 200 kidnapped teenage girls - now missing for nearly 2weeks – TB Joshua declared: “They have to be released. That is the voice of God!”

He described a revelation he said God showed him:
“I saw a vision where some of these girls have escaped and they are trying to find their way from the forest to the town. God has spoken – these children must be released. We can’t wait to see them.”

In a message broadcast live via his widely viewed station Emmanuel TV and posted on his official Facebook page followed by close to 1,000,000 people, he counseled the girl’s parents to know that people felt their pain. “It is not your battle alone but the battle of all people of God all over the world. They are also our children.”

TB Joshua warned security forces involved in rescue efforts to be careful not to be drawn into unnecessary confrontation. “God has promised all of them will come out free, without harm and hurt. However, if there is unnecessary confrontation, it may affect them,” the pastor, whose recent YouTube clip showing a prophecy of the ill-fated MH370 plane went viral and garnered international media attention, cautioned.

“let us be prayerful and at the same time be tactical and strategic, so they will not harm our dear schoolgirls. Their captors are in a place where they cannot move forward or backwards. Confrontation is dangerous.”