Showing posts with label SCOAN News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCOAN News. Show all posts

Sunday 19 October 2014

Watch Exclusive Video and Pics of T.B. Joshua carrying three bags of rice

Its really surprising to see the humility of this nature in a Man of God as this exclusive photo and video reveals controversial Pastor T.B. Joshua carrying three bags of rice went viral this week within Nigerian social media and blogs.

While most commended Joshua for his humility and humanity, there were suggestions that the picture was ‘photo-shopped’ and that is left for you to decide after watching the video

Others insinuated the image was nothing but a tasteless publicity stunt in the light of the recent tragedy that befell The SCOAN where over 100 died in a building collapse

As a viewer of Emmanuel TV, I have actually seen the video clip of this particular humanitarian mission previously and managed to find the footage on YouTube.  For clarification, this did not take place after the tragedy last month, putting to rest the allegation that this was an ill-timed publicity feat. So, for all the doubters and skeptics, here is video evidence of Pastor T.B. Joshua carrying three bags of rice in one of his numerous philanthropic visits to less-privileged areas confirming that it was not a photo edit of photoshop release.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

CCTV Video shows Helicopter hovering before Crash of TB Joshua's Building in Lagos

Prophet T.B Joshua
The Synagogue Church of all Nations was a target as too many things happens unnoticed in our society, maybe because we do not see insurgency as a threat in parts of Nigeria, or maybe it is a belief that it will not come to where we reside.

 CCTV Video footage shows that a strange aircraft flew low over the collapsed building some minutes before the collapse. This indicates that maybe a rocket was launched into the highrise building or maybe something that could not be understood just happened there.

The head of the Chuch, Prophet TB Joshua released a strong warning that another similar incident is coming in Nigeria...
Warning that if people fail to take caution, it could be serious, TB Joshua said, “Let us believe, educate our people and be alert. Why? So our country will not witness a similar incident in another place.”

He proceeded to decry the attitude people had exhibited towards a much-publicised confession of an alleged Boko Haram member in The SCOAN in March 2014. “No matter how long a lie is sustained, truth will someday prevail,” the cleric admonished. “We should remember the militant that came with his group to this church with a bomb. Upon televising it, they said it was a lie – but later discovered it to be true. The case is still with the security.”

The respected Prophet insisted that truth would prevail on the cause of the building’s collapse. In his words: "Right from the beginning of my life, people have been lying but they still come back to the truth. That is a good life – for people to lie against you first before they realise the truth. Here I am – I leave it for you to judge. I am a prophet. The security have a job to do."