Showing posts with label Married Christian Rock singer announces he is Gay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Married Christian Rock singer announces he is Gay. Show all posts

Saturday 4 June 2016

Married Christian Rock singer announces he is Gay, stuns fellow Christians

Founding member of Christian rock group 'Everyday Sunday', 35 year old Trey Pearson, who is married with two children has come out as being gay. In a recent letter to his fans he revealed that not everything is as it seems. The Christian Rocker stunned fans across the world earlier this week, admitting he’s been attracted to men since he was a teen.

He wrote in a letter posted on the Religious News Service’s website on May 31st, that he was always taught that sexuality was a matter of “choice” and that he “never wanted to be gay”. “To make an extremely long story short, I have come to be able to admit to myself, and to my family, that I am gay.”

The letter reads:

“I was scared of what God would think and what all of these people I loved would think about me; so it never was an option for me. I have been suppressing these attractions and feelings since adolescence. I’ve tried my whole life to be straight. I married a girl, and I even have two beautiful little kids. 
My daughter, Liv, is six and my son, Beckham, is two. I had always romanticized the idea of falling in love with a woman; and having a family had always been my dream. In many ways, that dream has come true. But I have also come to realize a lot of time has passed in my life pushing away, blocking out and not dealing with real feelings going on inside of me. 
I have tried not to be gay for more than 20 years of my life. I found so much comfort as a teen in 1 Samuel 18-20 and the intimacy of Jonathan and David. I thought and hoped that such male intimacy could fulfill that void I felt in my desire for male companionship. I always thought if I could find these intimate friendships, then that would be enough.”
In a Facebook post, he wrote this about his wife: Happy Birthday to the love of my life. You make me a better man and I love living life with you. What an adventure. 😊
Divulging intimate secrets from his wedding night, Pearson confesses he had never “made out” with a girl before that night after his nuptials nearly 8 years ago. As he tried to be heterosexual, he says he only desired for intimacy in friendship that much more.
Pearson said he had “mixed feelings” about the changes that have occurred in his life as a result, but is more contrite about his upbringing.

He added:
"I was taught to handle this growing up, how much it has hurt me and the unintentional pain I have brought Lauren, I wouldn’t have the friendship I now have with her, and we wouldn’t have our two amazing, beautiful children. But if I keep trying to push this down it will end up hurting her even more. 
I am never going to be able to change how I am, and no matter how healthy our relationship becomes, it’s never going to change what I know deep down: that I am gay. Lauren has been the most supportive, understanding, loving and gracious person I could ever ask for, as I have come to face this. And now I am trying to figure out how to co-parent while being her friend, and how to raise our children.”
Since coming out to his fans, there seems to be an outpouring of support from both fans and the LGBT community.
Others showered Pearson with Bible verses, encouraging him that God still loves him, no matter what, and explained it is not our place to judge others.

While some called him a “hypocrite” and a “liar” for starting a family on “false” pretenses, other Christians pointed out the need to show love but not support of Pearson’s actions.
Chris Henderson said:
“The only thing that is terrible about this is he is married with 2 kids…Now he comes out…Thats just wrong.. and extremely hurtful to the wife and child.”

Another Christian Bill Cosner said:
“But what are you planning to do about it? You know what God would have you do. But will you follow Him, or will you follow your flesh?” 
Peggy Geyer Walker Jehn said:

"You did a great job! So loving when talking about your family and church family. You spoke with such truth, grace and sincerity. Love yourself and be proud of who you are, all of who you are. Your story is helping others and changing lives!!! But don't let that put unwanted pressure on you. Just be your true authentic self and you will be just fine.