Showing posts with label Lola Omotayo News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lola Omotayo News. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Lola Omotayo Okoye hit back at critics who calls her Old

The wife to one of the singing duo Psquare, Peter Okoye Yesterday, was criticised by many for defending Caroline Ekanem against side chicks..

below is a message from Lola Omotayo Okoye to you all haters for calling her old.

“Good morning my beautiful people. Let me share some of my thoughts with you…Whilst some of you are busy losing sleep over someone else’s successes whether it be professional or personal, I am busy celebrating the successes of my fellow woman folk! While you are busy tearing a woman down for being aesthetically more appealing than you think you are to the man folk, l am busy giving that woman a thumbs up for adding more colour to the woman folk.
Y ou see I am confident and grounded and i do not need to bring another down to feel more beautiful; unlike a lot of you who hide behind your smart phones and fake IG profiles just so that you can show us how sick you are by riping another person apart in hopes that you break that person…..

God is watching you o!������ My sisters and brothers, age or aging is not a flaw it is actually a great privilege and i thank my God for giving me the grace to come this far. I celebrate everyday like its golden as it is a gift to be alive plus like fine wine, I get better with age and I am proud to be my age unlike a lot of you with your fake birth year but hey whatever tickles your fancy, that’s none of my business. I only pray that God gives you all long life and wisdom. Whilst some of you fast and pray and scheme for your fellow woman friend to be unhappy in her marriage or relationship, I stand by that friend as it should be if and when the need arises.

No one’s life should be your soap opera or reality show. Face yours! No one is perfect! Stop judging. If you cant stand me, stop IG stalking me….damn! If you think i’m bothered then clearly you truly dont know me. I stand up for the heart broken woman, I stand up for the dumbed wife, I stand up for the single mums out there, I stand up for the jilted. I stand up for the beaten and abused whether mental or physical. I stand for my fellow woman. God bless us all.”

Sunday 27 April 2014

Stop blaming Lola Omotayo, says their issues were never about her : Jude Okoye

P Sqare
Meanwhile, where did all this I dated Jude Okoye come from? I saw all the comments in the previous post (his engagement) and I was like...what? Lol. I'm sure he's a great guy but nah, not happening.
I'm not into celeb men. I'm an Igbo girl, that one na bad market.

Hehe. I gossip for a living, imagine if I were dating any Naija celeb guy, I won't be able to write about his colleagues na, they will be reporting me to him everyday. Lol. No, biko, I stay far away from them. I've only met Jude and his brothers twice in my life, briefly, at events.

Plus no sex for this lady anymore until he puts a ring on it. I made that promise a few years ago & I'm sticking to it...until maybe I meet a guy so hot my jaw drops. *wink* For now, I'm fine! Lol

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Lola Omotayo, Peter Okoye's baby mama talks about the challenges of dating a celebrity

Peter okoye and Family
She Butressed her points saying, having a relationship with a musician is one of the most challenging situations to be in. There are things you have to deal with; a lot of women, intruders, fans. You have to appreciate and respect the fans, but you also have some of them who are thinking of other things. I think it’s one of the most challenging relationships one can have.
You won’t even spend much time with your partner because he’s on the road most of the time doing shows and concerts; even during holidays like Christmas, Easter and New Year, they are not around. So I’m not really enjoying that part. But I thank God that we are managing it very well.
On what attracted her to Peter Okoye...find her answer after the cut...

Peter has drive. He has vision and pursues it. He doesn’t let anybody distract him from that vision and that I saw in him, which a lot of people didn’t see. Some people were like, ‘what are you doing with a musician? Are you crazy?’ but I saw something very different and unique about Peter.
I saw the goals he set for himself and how he accomplished those goals step by step, and I was very impressed with that. I also saw that he wasn’t a selfish person.
He was a generous person from the outset, even though he didn’t have much then, he was always generous. I like a man who is generous, not for the financial reason, but also to see how he can add value to other people’s lives; that is very important to me. He is also a good listener; he listens to people, listens to me…those are the things that attracted me to Peter. He’s an amazing guy