
Thursday 13 June 2013

Guys, Pay Attention: 8 Things Women (DESPERATELY) Want From Men

There’s a joke doing the rounds that ‘A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s That’s because she changes it more often’.

Well, what women want still remains the unanswered question across the globe. However, men needn’t lose hope for all is not lost. There are still a good number of things that most women like. Here are a few from the long list which can perhaps help you make her fall head over heels in love with you. Take your pick to woo and sweep her off her feet!

1. SupermanWomen love to be protected. So show in more ways than one to prove that you will be her saviour should your damsel land in distress! Women are always in awe of men who can step up in times of conflicts. Be sure you grab every opportunity that situation throws at you.

2. Smell good
Deodorant Ads may be going overboard showing men being lured by women’s perfume. But the other way is also true. Choose a deo that suits you. Especially if it’s your first date, it’s best not to try anything experimental. Know what smells best on you. Remember, what smelt heavenly on your friend might stink on your skin! For everything depends on your body odour. When you spray perfume on your body, what you smell is a combination of the deo spray and your body odour. Choose wise.

3. Surprises galore
Women love surprises be it chocolates, love notes, gifts or even a bouquet of flowers. Women don’t mind them in any numbers. You are sure to score brownie points with this one!

4. Transparency
Honesty is still the best policy. Never lie to her if you are thinking of a long-term relationship. Never mind you will face some initial flak, but eventually you will win over her trust.

5. Perfect body
What with the celebrities being obsessed with getting a six pack or eight pack abs, girls too go ga ga over men with a well-toned body. Get into the habit of regular workout so you can make heads turn!

6. Dress well

Nothing turns off a women than a poorly-dressed man. Do a style-check, spot the trends in fashion, speak to a stylist to find out what looks best on you. Clothes maketh man literally!

7. Crowning glory
Nothing like a funky haircut! A good hairstyle can give you a different look altogether. What are you waiting for? Get that stunner look so you can impress that chick you have been eyeing.

8. Magic of your hands

You might have taken your girlfriend to the hottest restaurants in town, yet she will not mind if you can cook one of her favourite dishes (or even plain instant noodles) when she’s hungry. Such moments are never forgotten.

There’s a joke doing the rounds that ‘A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s That’s because she changes it more often’. However, there are some things that remain constant.

Comedian Elenu to hold white wedding on Saturday June 15th

Top comedian, Akinlami Julius famously known as Elenu and his pretty wife,Chinwe Anyanwu will be having their white wedding ceremony on Saturday June 15th 2013 at Global Impact church,Babs Animashaun,Surulere,Lagos.
The reception will be held at the Knot center, Tobi Lawal street, Off Herbert Macauley Way,Yaba,Lagos and according sources tell me that MC shakara is going to be Elenu's best man.Other comedians like Senator,Emeka smith and Ushbebe will among the groomsmen. -

EME skales flaunts his girlfriend

  Skales, a member of the EME family of which Wizkid is part of, flaunts his girlfriend. he posted on instagram pictures of him and his girlfriend. Cute couple !

Two-Faced Kitten Born In Oregon

At 6:11 a.m. on 6/11, Deucy was born. Aside from her perfectly timed birth date, what makes this feline so special is her unusual facial characteristic: Deucy has four eyes, two noses and two mouths.
The two-faced kitten made her debut this week in Amity, Ore. After the birth, pet owner Stephanie Durkee took the rare kitty to her local veterinarian, who determined that, despite Deucy's facial abnormality, her organs are intact and in good condition, local news outlet NWCN reports.
While the birth of a two-faced kitten -- often called a Janus cat -- is rare, it has happened before. A black cat with two faces, who was aptly named Harvey Dent, was welcomed into the world in February 2012, but died two days later due to complications. In July, another two-faced kitten, this one named Gemini, also died within days of his birth, likely because he had issues eating with two tracheas and one throat.
Since the odd facial characteristic is often coupled with other abnormalities, two-faced cats do not tend to survive for very long. However, that's not to say that Janus cats can't defy the odds. In 2011, two-headed cat Frankelouie was inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records when he turned 12, the longest a Janus cat is known to have lived.
Given, Deucy's good health conditions, Durkee is optimistic that the special kitty will live a long life.