
Tuesday 21 May 2013

The 12 Top Reasons Why Igbos And Yorubas Should Not Marry - Vera Ezimora

Whether you are aware of it or not, many inter-tribal relationships have died an untimely death because of the tribal differences between the couple. Parents, elders, and friends have rained down fire and brimstone to see to it that this sacrilegious union does not get to the altar. The strong couples come out of it beaten, bruised, but alive nonetheless. The weaker ones — well, they inspire me to write this.
The most popular union seems to be the one between the Igbos and the Yorubas. With this in mind, I have compiled a list, specially for everyone who is currently in such a relationship. If you have been pressured into breaking up because of tribal differences and you have no idea why you should – or if you should, then I am here to help you make that decision. Please read, digest, and understand the lists below.
Reasons Igbos Should NOT Marry Yorubas:
1. They’re dirty.
2. All they know how to do is party.
3. They eat too much oil.
4. Their women flirt/sleep around too much.
5. Their men will ALWAYS cheat with a Yoruba woman.
6. They are loud and obnoxious. You can hear them from a mile away.
7. They are wild. They are the real “Akata” people.
8. They are Nigeria’s problem.
9. They don’t understand the Igbo culture.
10. They do too much juju.
11. They betrayed the Igbos during the Biafran war.
12. And to top the list, they are not Igbo.
Reasons Yorubas Should NOT Marry Igbos:
1. They’re rude; they have no respect.
2. All they know how to do is chase money.
3. Their pounded yam is as hard as stone.
4. They don’t put enough oil and spice in their food.
5. Their in-laws are wicked! The husband’s family will always maltreat the woman.
6. They cannot speak Yoruba, and even if they can, they do not know our culture.
7. They will sell their brother for money.
8. They won’t let us play our fuji music at home.
9. They’re Nigeria’s problem. They keep trying to divide us.
10. When their women die, their bodies have to be returned to Igbo Land to be buried.
11. They eat human beings.
12. And the mother of all crimes, they are not Yoruba.
Top 12 Reasons You Should NOT Consider Before Getting Married
1. He/she does not appreciate you.
2. He/she has a turbulent past and a shaky present.
3. He/she can never be faithful to you. And you know this.
4. You have nothing in common, except your tribe, of course.
5. Your dreams, values, and aspirations couldn’t be further apart from each other – even if you stretched them thin.
6. He/she just doesn’t get you.
7. He/she knows how to bring out the worst in you.
8. You cannot quite place your finger on it, but you know that something isn’t right with this relationship.
9. You know that you know that you know that you cannot count on him/her to be there when you need him/her.
10. He/she has no ambition whatsoever.
11. Even with a gun to your head, you cannot vouch for him/her.
12. And the least of all, he/she has done nothing to imply that he/she might be remotely in love with you.
Bonus reason: he/she continuously picks his/her friends and family over you.
If you find yourself confused by the tone of this list, go back to the beginning and read it again till the end. And just like the tributes in The Hunger Games, may the odds be ever in your favor.
Alternatively, you can find a partner who is Chinese-Iraqi, born in India, and fluent in Portuguese and Italian. There is no list for that Yet.

Letter To Afrocandy - You Have Brought Shame To Igbo Land

For some days now, controversial actress-cum-singer, Judith Opara Mazagwu better known as Afrocandy has been in the news for her unclad movie. While she has been lambasted by many people, the actress has shown an 'I don't care attitude' to her critics. 
One of them wrote this letter to Nigeriafilms.com showing 'his' anger at the Igbo-lady, who has allegedly brought shame to them. Below is the letter;

Dear Judith Opara Mazagwu,

Whenever I eventually meet you the daring she-d** in person, I shall ask effusively: “Nwanne nwanyi, I bu onye Igbo?” If your answer is affirmative, I shall yell: “Tufia!!!” to high heavens and probe further: “Nna gi na nne gi, ha bu cha ndigbo? Is your father and mother originally Igbos?” If you, the architect of w**re-llywood, return a negative answer, I shall heave the deepest sigh of relief and dance with reckless abandon. I shall wail with anguish if your parents are truly of the noble Igbo stock.

Opara’s daughter, what has the Igbos, who pride their women in purity, decorum and royalty done to you? What has Ikemba’s people done to deserve the putrid essence you displayed in that raunchy movie trailer? The dignity of womanhood, you desecrated shamelessly. 

You should have converted your nomenclature to that of the an**al kingdom before you set the cameras rolling. Who called the shots for filming that monstrosity that debased womanhood and motherhood? Yes, you suffered child abuse but how does being raped at the age of 19 confer a p0*n star designation? Who sponsored the spread of your g3nit*ls in public sphere with that pervert who wants his scenes deleted after the collateral damage had been done? I hope a copy of Destructive Instinct will be delivered to Censors Board in Nigeria for classification.

Judith Opara, that bald headed bloke was actually squeezing, kissing and car3ssing your bu*t0cks and b00bs on camera while you were letting out uhhhs and ahhhs? You had the nerve to upload same online? What manner of poverty configured the mental faculties of a 41 year old mother of two to engage in unclad and display the se% tape on the internet without consideration for her children’s future? 

It is an abomination in Igbo land nay Africa for a child to behold his mother in such intense s3xing expedition. Not even se% starved r*pis*s dare to devour a victim before her child’s very eyes. I hope your children will never watch Destructive Instinct, the atrocity you produced.

Until we can trace your lineage to Igbo kindred, I doubt the language of your name. I challenge your brothers, sisters, cousins aunts, uncles (your parents are most definitely dead), friends, relatives, classmates etc to write a rejoinder and authenticate your tribe. I enjoin other concerned brethren both at home and in the Diaspora not to judge you harshly but pray to God whom you offended with impunity, to hasten a financial breakthrough that will discourage your big screen whorish aspiration. Your choice of career is an aberration to us, of eastern Nigeria.

I solicit for contributions from public spirited Nigerians and Africans. Afro Candy is in dire need of rehabilitation – mentally, medically, financially, spiritually and otherwise.

A psychiatrist facility will do a lot for Ada anyi nwanyi. The woman who can perform unclad, naked on stage owes a psychotherapist a visit.

My dearest sister, conduct a thorough research and you will discover that bl*e film practitioners are never regarded, not even in Hollywood. I advise you to refrain from s3xu*l motion pictures that will further saturate our cyber space with unwholesome content.
Yours Sincerely,
Uzor Ngoladi

Photos: Denrele Holidays In Brazil

The model and presenter is presently holidaying in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 

SEE The Woman Who Claims She Is Too Pretty To Work - Photos

Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse.According to The Daily Mail in the U.K., who spoke at length to Ms. Fernee just last week; to keep her going in that flat, pay her bills and supply her with gym membership and designer clothes, her parents give her a minimum of £4,520 monthly (that's about $6,900 U.S.).

The 33-year-old science graduate says her slim figure and pretty face attracted unwanted attention from her male colleagues.

Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful they are ruining her life – and have forced her to quit her job.

She has a science degree and worked in research for 3 years but had to quit because of her looks. It's not just men that prevent her from working, either, she says she is so fetching other women assume she is stupid and will not give to her credit for her capabilities. Men are the bigger problem though, and even "in a laboratory in scrubs with no make-up" she says men are drawn to her "natural attractiveness."

"I’m not lazy and I’m no bimbo,:" she told the Daily Mail. "The truth is my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I’ve made the decision that employment just isn’t for me at the moment. It’s not my fault. I can’t help the way I look."

This reporter might like to have the male equivalent of looks that are on a par with Furnee's, but there is something else of hers that I should prefer to have - her parents.

Miss Fernee now lives off her wealthy parents after quitting her £30,000 job in scientific research two years ago.