
Tuesday 19 March 2013

Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 90 days in rehab, 30 days community labor

The embattled actress was today sentenced to 90 days in rehab, 30 days community service and 18 months of psychological counseling.

What did she do? Reckless driving and providing false information to a police officer, all while on probation for shoplifting in 2012.

The misdemeanor charges stem from a 2012 car accident in which Lindsay's car rear-ended a truck. When police officers arrived at the scene, Lindsay lied that her assistant was the one driving, plus they found alcohol in her car. She managed to avoid jail today. Nice outfit by the way :-)

See What a Man did to his Surposed Loved Wife, What do u Think?

Bad Husband

Some men are animals, any man that beats up his woman is a coward and should step into the ring and fight his fellow man.
The woman above was beaten by her husband and she is currently in hospital where doctors are battling to save her life.
To make matters worse, the husband is asking her to come back home.

A fan wanted me to sign on her bra — Mike Ezuruonye

Mike Ezuruonye and son


I’m Mike Ezuruonye. I studied Accounting in the university, worked for a while in a bank before I started my acting career. I have been acting for a few years now but I consider myself a new actor for every new script that I get.

Journey into acting

I would say destiny and fate. I had been toying with the idea of becoming an actor when Ruke Amata introduced me to the job. I soon realised that it was the void in my life that God wanted me to fill.

Nollywood’s development

Then, Nollywood was on cruise control, steadily rising but now it is like an unstoppable train and the stakeholders need to get better control of the train so that it can reach its destination safely. We are making progress but we need to get better at monetising the opportunities we have. Right now, many people are reaping from Nollywood without sowing the seeds.

Actors don’t get rewards

The structures are not yet in place to ensure that we reap rewards for the hard work we put in. This will only happen when we have a proper distribution framework for films. Moreover, Corporate Nigeria has not extended to us a proper and deserving handshake. We are loved by the masses because we provide a valuable service to them but yet those who rule the corridors of Nigeria are yet to recognise our value.


I am happy to be part of an industry that has and continues to educate Africans and the world about our past, present and our future. Nollywood is a worthy and valuable Nigerian export. I am fulfilled in the career I have chosen. What has kept me going? Hard work, perseverance and most of all, I have great passion for acting.

My personality

I am not the characters I play in my movies. Those are the figment of the writer’s imagination and it is my job as an actor to interpret them well. As for my real personality, one of my best commandments from God is, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself,’ so I try to treat everyone right. I am a regular guy who happens to earn a living by appearing on many screens around the world. Stardom can be very funny, therefore, I surround myself with people who have known and still know the real Mike; that is my family. I am mostly a private person and prefer communicating to people through my art. Finally, most of all, I fear God. He guides my life.

Handling female fans

It is easy once I tell myself that they are crazy for the characters they see on the screen; not Mike, the real person. Nasty experience from a fan? Well, I was abroad and a female fan pulled her bra in a restaurant for me to sign! She shouted, ‘Mike, you must sign this.’ I was so embarrassed because I thought my hat and glasses disguised me enough.

No regrets

I am thankful everyday that I get to do what I love as a job. There are many challenges that come with it like any other job but I deal with them.

Me and other actresses

I have a good working relationship with all my colleagues.

My worth as an actor

I am worth the blessings I receive from God and the goodwill I receive from my fans.

Monday 18 March 2013

Video of 5 Years old Chinese Boy Driving Tractor

5 years driving tractor
I knew that China’s child labor laws were somewhat questionable, but I didn’t realize that all of their construction was done by third graders.

 Okay, none of that is probably true (I don’t think…China, you’re so secretive sometimes), but if I had a construction crew, this kid would be hired. And I’d give him a bonus for driving that front loader like a champ and being so damn adorable while he’s doing it.