Showing posts with label Women News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women News. Show all posts

Sunday 10 June 2012

What women wish men knew about them

Things that women wish men knew

- It's ok to kiss on the first date
Now, some of us are more comfortable with this than others, but overall, we've found that a guy who wants to give you a nice polite kiss goodnight is actually interested. Knowing that is way cooler than wondering if he's ever going to call again. If a goodnight kiss, or a peck on the cheek doesn't seem appropriate, go for the hug. Most everybody's ok with that.

- We really don't mind if you open doors and pull out chairs
Actually, we kind of like it. It's not that we aren't capable of doing it ourselves, but it's nice to see that a guy's got manners.

- You don't always have to pay for everything
Not that we mind, per say, but we don't expect you to bankrupt yourself taking us out all the time. Any woman who really does expect her guy to bankroll their every excursion is what we here at Dating Insider call a Princess. Princesses are a whole separate topic. Most of us are fully independent women who don't mind sharing the tab or trading off who pays for a date each time.

- Not calling when you said you'd call is the kiss of death
Unless you've got a really good excuse, and call soon afterwards to apologize, you've got problems. A guy who says he'll call you "tomorrow" and doesn't call for 6 days or something has already been written off. Sure, we all get busy and have lives, but if you're really interested in someone but swamped, take 5 minutes, call, let her know you're slammed at work or whatever, but that you wanted to say hi. She'll appreciate it.

- You don't have to wait 3 days after the first date to call
We've all heard this rule...that if you call the next day, you're desperate. Yeah, right. What ends up happening is that you sit around for three days wondering if it's ok to pick up the phone yet without scaring her off, and we sit around agonizing to our friends about whether or not you're interested because we have no way of knowing. If you really want to call someone, call them.

- It's ok to leave a toothbrush and deodorant at our place
To put it bluntly: If we've reached the point where we're letting you stay over with any regularity, we'd rather make a tiny bit of room for your toiletries than deal with you going without.

- Sometimes, we just need to talk about it
Whether it's work, a family problem, our best friend's breakup...sometimes we just need to discuss it. That doesn't mean we expect you to fix it, or have all the answers, we just need to talk about it. Accept that, say "uh huh" at the appropriate moments, and let us work through it. Men tend to lean toward "fixing" things, and view communication in that sense. Sometimes that frustrates us even more than we were in the first place.

- Sometimes, enough is enough!
Ok...we're talking about sex now. While it's really admirable that you want to please your partner, sometimes, it just ain't gonna happen for us. Learn to recognize those subtle (or not-so-subtle) signs that we're ready to be done now, and that another half hour of work on your part won't change anything except to leave us in dire pain for the next week. It's no blow to your sexual ego or insult to your prowess in the sack. We appreciate the effort. We really do.

- We love flowers
And back rubs.

- Money
We don't care how much money you make, where you got your MBA or how much your stock options are worth. Most of us care that we've found a nice guy, who treats us well, with ambition and the desire to make something out of his life, whether it's your dream to be CEO or to manage the garden department at our local WalMart. As long as you can support yourself, and don't expect us to carry you, that's all fine and dandy. Those that do have some obsession with your stock portfolio and your 401k are, once again, Princesses. Beware. The other side of this is that harping on your company's IPO prospects or flaunting your Harvard MBA are more likely to make us think you're shallow, materialistic or have no thoughts of anything but work and greed. Blech.

- The toilet seat thing really does matter
If you're at your place, we won't bitch. But when you're in our home, put the seat down, willya? At 3 am, most of us don't check.

- We're terrified of meeting your mother
Be gentle.

- In girl-speak, "cute" is a good thing
We've seen men go into full-body convulsions at this word. If we say you're cute, be very impressed.

- Some of us have lots of male friends
Our best buds that we spend all our dateless Saturday nights with are not a threat. You have to figure, if we wanted to date them, we would have done it already. Don't go into jealous mode just because there's a male voice on the answering machine or something. Get the facts straight before you lose sleep over it.

- Intelligence is attractive
Neanderthal generally is not. Save the testosterone bursts for when you're out with your friends, please.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Things Women wish you knew

Here’s something to send an untimely chill down your spine - your partner is hoping you’ll read this article.

Face it, women are different to men – you may already have noticed. So it’s predictable that some of the things blokes do in bed will drive women wild, while others might just irk them a bit. Here are a few, and what you can do about them.

Even if you believe your trouser furniture is clean, a shower before bed never hurt anyone. She might even get into hot water with you. Being clean is a basic courtesy, whether you’ve spent the day by the pool or mopping out the lion’s cage. Don’t make a big ceremony of it. Just say, “I’m going to have a shower before bed,” or ad lib it. The same goes for your hands and any other part of you that you plan to put inside her. Clean hands and immaculately trimmed and scrubbed nails are mandatory.

Trying to be a stud
Women can be very sensitive about this: Mr Lover Man goes through his whole seduction routine,stimulating her squishy bits and coaxing her toward an almighty orgasm. Yet she gets the feeling he’s making love to A Woman, rather than to her. Try focusing on her. Calling her by her name is good, especially if you pronounce it correctly.

Foreplay starts with the clothes on
Warming up to a sweaty, naked encounter can start hours, even days beforehand and actually being considerate and nice can pay dividends. Some blokes can pull off the whole smouldering, bad-guy image, but a lot of the time they end up glowering, Healthcliffe-like, at themselves in the mirror of some bar. The bottom line: don’t stand her up for lunch and then expect to arrive at her place and be greeted by a seductress in something lacy.

Hitting the same bases
Beware of slipping into a schedule: kiss, breasts, kiss some more, penetration. Once a women feels you’ve fallen into a habit, the thermostat goes off. Remind yourself of all the other nerve endings in splendid array around her body. Even slender girls have plenty of skin and all of it has really useful nerve endings.

Keeping quiet
Even if you’re not the most articulate of men when you’re in the sack, try to at least emit the occasional appreciative sound. And if she urges you to talk to her during those intimate moments, you’d better learn to.

Being too rough
We’ll put it down to enthusiasm, but no woman likes to have her breasts twisted off or her vagina prodded with claw-like fingers. You’re dealing with soft, pliable tissue here. Go softly. If you’re doing it correctly, you’ll know, and if she wants more pressure or roughness she’ll probably tell you.

Finishing too soon
For some men this becomes a dreaded habit that warrants therapy. For most, it can be fixed with a little self-help. Masturbate until you’re about to have an orgasm, then stop. Repeat this several times before finishing off. Regularly working at this will help to delay your reaction and you ought to be able to control it better. Until you get that right you can rely on the rest of your formidable arsenal of stimulation to provide your partner with all sorts of pleasure. You can give her an orgasm with cunnilingus or your fingers, or take her up to the very brink before introducing your penis.

Lasting too long
Some men would give a kidney to have this problem, but it can be very little fun for women who just wish the guy would finish up. For some men, this is a result of plenty of frenzied, hurried masturbation which has left the penis desensitised. It can be cured by leaving the member alone for a few weeks. With no masturbation, there’ll be some return of sensitivity. After that you should masturbate gently, or by using only your fingertips, not squeezing like you’re trying to throttle a python.