> Couple Lose 538 Pounds Of Weight Due To Medical Emergency | Hot Naija Gist

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Couple Lose 538 Pounds Of Weight Due To Medical Emergency

Anything is possible if you truly believe and determined. At work one day, IT consultant Justin Shelton suddenly began to feel ill. A few hours later, he was in the emergency room, and doctors told him he might have a kidney infection.

They just needed to run a scan to confirm the diagnosis.The next words were a cold reality check: The imaging machine could not support his weight.He was 25 years old and weighed 592 pounds.

Two years earlier, Justin's wife, Lauren Shelton, had had her own medical scare; her gallbladder had to be removed because of weight-related complications. At her heaviest, Lauren weighed 341 pounds.

Their size made everyday tasks difficult, too. Years ago, Lauren was on a plane, and the seat belt wouldn't buckle. She was mortified and tried to hide from the flight attendants that she didn't fit into the seat.Both Lauren and Justin had been asked not to get on rides at a theme park because of their size.

They were determined and with the right food and exercise it was done…..just 19 months, Justin dropped 362 pounds and Lauren lost 176, for a total of 538 pounds.