> Kanye West and Kim name their baby daughter “NorthWest” | Hot Naija Gist

Friday 21 June 2013

Kanye West and Kim name their baby daughter “NorthWest”

This info is coming from E!, so it has to be authentic…because they produce Kim K’s reality show. According to E! News Kim and Kanye have named their new born baby girl, North West. Below is how they are reporting it…
Finally, Baby Kimye has a name! E! News has confirmed that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s little daughter is named – North West.A source close to the couple confirms to E! News that the girl’s name is North West, with no middle name. According to a source, “They will call her Nori for short!”“She has black straight hair! Lots of it! Looks like a good mix of both of them (Kanye and Kim) but more like Kim,” says the source.
North West?