Wednesday 4 January 2012


Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Anthony Cardinal Okogie, has warned that Nigeria was drifting dangerously, asking that urgent steps be taken by the Federal Government to address the current insecurity in the country. He called for what he described as the ‘’revolution of the mind and spirit.”

Okogie lamented that the government has failed to protect Nigerians in the face of incessant bombings by Boko Haram Islamic sect.

Cardinal Okogie

In his New Year message to the nation, Okogie said only the collective will of the citizens, government and God can change the dark cloud hanging over Nigeria.

The cleric said: “To get back on track and salvage our beloved country from its present woes, there is need for change. There is an urgent need for a revolution. In line with the three dimensions of man, revolution is possible at the physical level, at the level of the mind and at the level of the spiritual.

“However, for us Christians, violent revolution at the physical level is excluded. When we speak about revolution we do not mean a bloody revolution but a revolution of the mind and spirit

“That we are born to be great is clear to all. But unfortunately, we are not great. Instead, we are a nation in distress, a nation on the verge of falling, a nation that is gradually drifting.

“Our woes as a country are visible in every thing: epileptic power supply, the death traps we call roads, insecurity of life and property, irrational and unjustifiable ethnic and religious riots, unrestrained corruption in the corridors of power and beyond, high rate of unemployment and abject poverty.”

He expressed confidence that Nigerians could come out of the challenges posed by current insecu-rity, but stressed that this could only happen when leaders decide to be true shepherds and not wolves.

Okogie said: “In spite of all the evils that besiege us as a nation, Nigeria is redeemable. A new national order where all can flourish irrespective of tribe or social class; a new society characterised by justice, peace, love, and true reign of brotherhood is still possible in our country.

“But we must first get it right and this can only happen when our leaders decide to be true shepherds. There is anger mixed with fear, distrust, anxiety and uncertainty in our nation. In fact, a dark cloud hangs on the faces of the people.

’’The nation is moody and in a mourning mood. Only the collective will of the citizens and the government with God’s grace can change the sad and dark cloud hanging over Nigeria.

“For now, democracy has not taken firm root in our country. Our politicians and public office holders are still wobbling.

“Many politicians and public figures behave like semi-gods full of themselves and autocratic. We want to remind them that man today is, tomorrow he is not,” he added.


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